Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My gerbils just had babies! Do I leave the dad in?

I have a quick question! My gerbils just had babies yesterday morning. We have 3 adult gerbils.. a female and two males. Do I leave the two males in the cage to help the mother? I read somewhere to leave the dad in there. But if I take him out and then put him back in a couple weeks from now, will they reject him?? alright thanks!! OH YEAH btw. We took the males out lastnight until today bc the female looked distracted. Ok thanks so much!
Keep the males in there. Because if you take them out they will get a different scent. And my sister's hampster and my hampster always fight when they are by each other even though they lived together for a year. Because they developed 2 different scents.
only keep one male in there, but yes you may leave them in
my friends hamster had babies and the dad ate them, i know its horrible but he did. i suggest taking him out and leaving him out till they are much older! (she was really upset)
they will eat the babies if you put them together. leasve mom alone with babies.
If it were me, I would take the males out, and keep them out until the babies are a few months old. Some animal species are very strange in that the males get jealous of the babies, and will kill them.
DO NOT LEAVE the father in, he will attack and possibly even eat the babies because he will become territorial.
DO NOT LEAVE the male gerbils in the cage with the Babies.

The male gerbils will attack and possibly even eat the babies because they will become territorial.

It is best to keep the male gerbils in a separate cage until the babies become adults.

Good Luck !!
NO! do not leave the male in with the female. He will be of no help and might eat the babies.
dont leave the dad in or he could eat the babies to speed up the process of the female getting heat.


  1. Hi! I have never breed my gerbil but I have researched heavily on this subject. Whatever you do don't leave the dad in with the mother and pups.

  2. M y gerbils have just had babies and the male keeps taking the babies out and them putting them back in what should i do!! he doesent seem to be hurting them but i am worries for the babies!!

  3. yesterday my gerbil had babies im new never had gerbils ive always had hamster so when she had the babies i removed the father and the other female but i move the father and the other female they baried the babies and to me it seems like the mother is not feeding them.
