Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My gerbil lost a tooth, What do I do?

well one day I checked his teeth and one of his front teeth were mssing that's all
It's probably a natural process especially if it is a young children losing teeth.
put a dime under his pillow.
Put a quarter under it's pillow.
It will Probably grow it back :D
well i was gunna say put a quarter under its pillow but numerous people have already beat me to it. its probly nothing to worry about. rodents teeth grow constantly thats why they are always knawing on stuff and moving thier mouths even when they are not chewing on things. its to keep thier teeth from growing to big. his tooth might have just gotten too big and fallen out, or chipped off. but have no fears it will be back to normal soon.
Find the tooth.put it under his pillow and wait for the Gerbil Tooth Fairy.
Why do I find this so funny?! LOL
email me if u want an email buddy that LOVES wildlife
And quit feeding it so much Halloween candy.
It'll grow but. Had a g-pig who broke one off once. In a while it was back to normal. He looked funny though.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I purchased two male gerbils from a pet store for my daughters and one became ill fairly soon and died, the other lost its teeth and I fed him soft food and the teeth grew back, but he died shortly after this ( don't ask -kids :().
    Since both died so soon and my girls felt very ripped off, I found a breeder this time and purchased two females. Again, one lost its teeth, and we fed it soft food, and the teeth grew back, and now again its lost its teeth. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I use living world fresh n comfy bedding, Hagen - gourmet seeds, dry fruit/veg, &nutriblocks, I supplement their water because of the problem, timothy hay. They have a wheel and a wooden home/chew structure. Any ideas? - besides the very hilarious tooth fairly jokes, it is V. funny, but not to my girls.
