Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Guinea pigs are Gay!?

I have 2 boy guinea pigs and one of them keeps trying to mate with the other one. He really hates it and they keep fighting. I'm worried one of them might get hurt. Any suggestions?
This has nothing to do with sexuality as almost all same sex cavy pairs (though especially males) will exhibit this behavior. It is a show of dominance and the pig doing the mounting is trying to demonstrate his dominance over the other pig. This behavior will usually work itself out as one pig submits itself to the other dominant pig (though brief battles for dominance will sometimes resurface). However, sometimes you will end up with two animals who insist on being the dominant of the pair and neither will submit to the other, in that situation this generally harmless behavior can lead to fighting and you may need to house them seperately. For now, your best bet is to watch them very closely to see if the behavior diminishes or if it seems to become more frequent/more aggressive.

Do NOT believe individuals who state male pigs cannot be housed together. This is in fact myth (and even sources cited below me to support this theory actually STATE that this is a myth: ) Guinea pigs are in fact extremely nonterritorial (obviously there are individuals expceptions) and in nature live as herd animals.

The behavior you are witnessing is NORMAL

Here is more information about behavior between guinea pig pairs and what to expect and what to look for:
Eat them.
haha.. im sorry thats just funny. Just separate them, or find another gay guinea pig for the horny one
put them in separate cages
Like all animals, they get horney. In captivity they still have their needs. Get them a female to play with.
You may want to put them in separate cages. Although this could be a dominance thing they could still hurt each other.

Don't be surprised there are over 1,000 animals species in the wild that homosexual by nature.
either get 2 gals for them or just accept the fact that you have a couple queer guinea pigs, lol.
You know, now that you say that, I think all animals are Gay by nature, and they just get lucky mating with the opposite sex to produce young and keep the species going.Just a thought!

(so why don't you seperate them or get rid of one)
No worries. We have 5 females and they all get frisky with each other, it's nature. As they age, they settle down a little more, think of them as overactive teenagers! As for the fighting, we have two who are blood sisters, and they fight. They used to get along great but now.yikes! Put a divider in the cage to seperate them. We have a very large cage and we have divided into two sections. One side is a little larger than the other and houses three of the girls, the other side houses two girls. We keep the fighters apart and just switch who is in with whom. If you have a C%26C cage, the division is even easier with the grids as the dividers because then they can see, sniff and rub against each other all day, without being able to fight!
You should buy them a female guinea pig.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Sorry, but that is funny! thanx for that. see if you can exhange the one. you might not want a female b//c if they mate you will have more then the gay problem. if not cough up more money and get another cage. or can you get the horny one fixed?
When animals of the same sex do this, is is almost always a dominance thing, not a sexual "gay" thing like we think. If one starts to get hurt, you need to separate them, or if they just won't stop, you need to separate them. If the dominating one is too dominant, the other one may not get enough food, etc. and just feel terrorized. HTH
Oy. Girl guinea pigs need a girl companion, but a boy will work as well. But 2 boys is NOT going to work. The males will both try to rule over the other one, who will then cower before them. I have experience. I used to have 2, and one would keep taking carrots and such that were given to the other.
Buy them a female (but fix her first!) unless you want little guinea pig babies all over your house. :)
It's dominance behavior. Separate them. In nature they fight against each other to death. The one being mounted on will soon become very aggressive. Don't wait until that happens.
There's only about 2 out of 10,000 males that will get along in the same pen. They have been known to fight to the death. they are very territorial. Don't get a female, it will turn into a blood bath between them.
I have a guinea pig too but she ia a female. The first thing that you must know about guinea pigs is that they are very hard to recognise. So i suggest to take the two of them to the vet and he'll tell you which is the female and which is the male. Then you must put them in diffrent cages unless you want 8 9 little pigs.

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