Friday, July 31, 2009

MY HAMSTER IS doomeeeedd plz answer!?

i was twirling around with my hamster in my hand when i accidently let go of my hamster she fell across the room into the WALL!! one eye was closed and the other wide open and she could hardly move i thought she was dead until she started acting normal except less active im scared is my hamster going to die!!? is she going to have short term memoryyy what will happpeennn!!??
my son had dropped his hamster once and the same thing happened it took about a week maybe two for the hamster to start acting normal again. I would say don't do something like that again if you really care about your hamster they are really sweet animals my son used to carry his every were with him in his shirt pocket and the little guy love to be with him so take care of yours
she was probably in shock.just keep an eye on her she will probably be fine and dont do crap like that anymore
Call the vet and ask them what to do..
Omg dont do things like that! take her to the vet right away and maybe she could live animal abuser
Watch out for appitite changes. fact is, she would have broken some bones- gotten a concussion, could be bleeding internally. small pets are not exactly indestructible. you have to be careful with them.

she could end up having seizures. you could consult a vet who deals with small pocket pets- or just love her till the end of her life and buy another one when you're ready.
Maybe you should have thought about the consequences of your own stupidity.perhaps.
I dropped my hamster once when I was a kid and it did the same thing and it died a week later. Good luck.
first take your hamster to the vet, even if the hamster reveals no sigh of any illness. the reason for inactiveness probably is that he is shaken and/or that he broke his leg.
Take it to a vet. While your there make up something like "She fell" so that when your hamster tells the vet what REALLY happened, you can say "SHE'S LYING!!"
Your hamster is probably suffering something aweful. Be humane an take it to the vet! YOu harmed the pet-you find a way to get it to vet ASAP.
Mehehehe. Funny. That happened to my 2ndhamster as well. Except, she jumped off the bed and slid into it. Muahahaha. Funny. Ill never forget that day. Did i mention Im Sadistic in my profile? I dont think. no i havent. Dang it.
OMG!that was a idiotic thing to do! dont worry, dont panic. just take your pet to the vet immediately. it probably got a concussion, or brain damage, or broken bones.if your hamster has permanent damage, the best thing to do is uthanize it, so it doesnt suffer any more. besides, u can always get a new hamster=)
you dont deserve to have a pet. you are a sucky animal keeper.
not a good idea to spin your hamster around in circles in the first place. I wouldn't get another hamster! but check with your vet if she still isnt back to normal by tomorrow

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