Thursday, July 30, 2009

My guinea pig has been squealing alot for the past few days! What does that mean?

She's healthy, and im sure she not hurt and she acts normal, but she started squealing alot!
what does that mean?
take your foot off the poor thing
its gonna giv birth
underwear is too tight
well she could be hungary, or she could just be talking to herself, mine do this!
Talk to a vet to find out the proper could get a lot of strange answers here.
Make sure she has plenty of food, plenty of water and is warm enough. If she is too hot or too cold, this could also be the problem.
No problem, it's just a piggie being a piggie. She has learned your her source of food and treats. They will beg no matter how full their tummys are.
Is it a happy squeal or an ouch squeal? Guinea pigs will normally make a happy squeal when they hear the fridge open or hear plastic rustling. But if it is making an ouch squeal, there may be something wrong. For example, a bladder stone may make it painful for it to pee.

My advice is to take it to the vet and give it Vitamin C every day.

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