Friday, July 31, 2009

My hamster isn't eating its food, what do I do?

Ok, well, I have had my hamster on the same food for a while. when I went to get a fresh batch, there were moths in it. EWW! The food had corn kernals and sunflower seeds. The new food is A HUGE bag with other things besides those ingrediants. He isnt eating it! I dont want to waste all that food, what do I do?
donate that food to an animal shelter, and buy the same kind that he liked
you could try giving it some of its favorite foods or take it to the vet for a checkup
Eat your hamster.
When I was YOUNGER I wrongly "caged" hamsters I had all the TUBES and sandbox situations of tunneling. I was NON_VEGAN and I did not consider the ABUSE and PAIN associated with the buying and selling of creatures . like man once did to his fellow man.. when I was younger a SILAGE TRUCK tipped over on the side of the road right out in fromt of my house and I scooped some of that stuff up and the hamster seemed to eat it, maybe so maybe not. I do not know if that was a good idea or not.. like I said CAGING a creature like that was wrong in the first place.. I would not like to be caged like that, and then TOLD who to mate with.. I recall that perhaps one of the hamsters would try to RAPE another one that must have been horrible and I just stood there watching or what as a child. thinking about the BREEDING, I was VERY SICK. this reminds me of a HORRIBLE time in my life. it was almost as if I put myself in a cage because of teh way I caged a hamster. PLEASE FORGIVE ME
Put him back on his regular food, but most importantly get him to a vet quickly because he could be ill. I would also, as someone else suggested, donate your food to a local animal sanctuary.
you have to waste it, ask the pet shop about a good for for ur hamster. do u have ny other pets to feed that food to? if not feed it to birds outside
bring your hamster to the vet. it probably ate a moth and got sick.

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