Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My friend caught a Black Widow and i don't want it to bite her. Should I tell her to let it go?

Black Widows are posinous so I don't want her to get poisined. What should I do?
clog all air vents in the cage and stop feeding it. or squish it and then hide it and tell her it ran away.
how old is your friend?if she is young tell her parents,black widows can kill if a bite is not treated.
Squish it when shes not looking
As long as she's not playing with the dang thing and handling it, she'll be ok. Me personally? I'd squish it, hate those and brown recluses..
Just be straight with her and tell her how you feel. The truth is always the best way that is for everything.
dont kill it tell her parents and she should let it go. let it go FAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR AWAAAAAAAAY!!
What? Does she have a death wish?
What person in their right mind would catch anything poisonous and keep it?
So.if she did keep it, maybe it will crawl out and bite one of her friends or family.
Get rid of the **! (the spider I mean, not your friend)
She is carrying something around in the house that could kill her or a family member. Is she brain dead. You know about it and yet you have not told a parent??
Brain dead again.
Tell her parents if she does not kill it right away. Make sure she does it. To heck with LETTING IT GO.
She should really let that spider go but please don't kill it :/
tell her to let it go. Don't squish it the only reason it might bite her is because it's really scared.
it might not be so bad i mean when i was 5 i toched a black widow in my back yard and it didn't even bite me but just to be safe tell her parents how you feel and take it away.
.duh like what if it gets out and kills her whole family if herparents dont let it go you do it!

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