Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my freind just said daddy long legs are spiders?? is this true and if it is are they the most deadly?

Its not a spider is a bloody crane fly :)
yes they are spiders and they arent deadly just creepy looking
Yes and No

Charley is tripping!! Crane Fly?? NOT! Crane flies are insects..6 legs. Daddy longLegs are spiders.8 legs.

No..the "deadliest" thing is just silliness on somebody's part.

MAN! There are some REALLY WEIRD ideas here! I'm a biology teacher, and you can take what I said to the bank!
They are spiders and aren't deadly.
Yes they are spiders and they are not dangerous. I the UK we only the Wolf spider will bite and it is not dangerous just make you bit sore
Yes they are spider and no they are not dedly there mouths are so small they wont even bite you.
Nope, wrong and sort-of wrong.

They are their own species of arachnid..All spiders are arachnids but not all arachnids are spiders.

Their venom is most poisonous for it's prey, but it can't really harm us, as it's chompers are not made to bite humans.
they are spiders and yes they are the most deadliest but they cant harm u because their mouths are to small to bite or harm u
Yeah, they swoop down onto flies, and kick them to death!
actually daddy long legs is not really a spider, spiders have 8 legs daddy long legs have 6 legs, but yes there bite is fatal, but to a human its not. their moth is so small it cant really get enough of you in there to bite.

but it is definitly not a arachnid
I never thought of daddy long legs as spiders or deadly. They seem to be quite harmless little creatures.
your friend is pulling your leg.. spiders dont fly.they jump
they are spiders they are the most venemous but humans are immumed to them
yes they are the most deadly spider in this world but their fangs can't bite through shin. Spider have eight legs, daddy long legs have eight legs, it is a spider.
They apparently have one of the most potent venom's, however they do not have the fangs to inject it with.

a little joke from nature :>
daddy long legs carry the most venomous poison known to man but because they have no teeth they can't bite and therefore can't pass it on
They are not spiders, spiders are arachnids and always have eight legs. Daddy long legs have six legs and have wings, they are also known as crane flys. They are harmless to people but very annoying and you must squish them cause they are gross.
Yeah they are spiders, and the most deadly, but their mouths are too small to bite a human.
yer friends a liar. They're flys. and most definitely harmless..and stupid.
Yes they are spiders, but not a particular one it just refers to spiders in general.
Yes daddy long legs are spiders. And if they could bite you yes they would be the most deadly. But there mouths are so small so they cant bite you.
Yes, they are a spider and poisonous. But their mouth is to small to puncture human skin so to us they are harmless.

Daddy-longlegs Myth

Have you heard this one?:

This tale has been lurking around for years. I have heard it repeatedly in the United States and even heard a schoolteacher misinforming her class at a museum in Brisbane, Australia. This is incorrect, but to clarify it, several points need to be explained first.
The animals

Most folks who retell this tale have no idea that they are referring to two completely separate groups of animals: "daddy-longlegs" and "daddy-longlegs spiders". In the animal class Arachnida, there are several lower level divisions called Orders. Scorpions are in the Order Scorpiones, spiders are in the Order Araneae, ticks and mites are in the Order Acari.

The creatures most correctly called daddy-longlegs are in their own separate Order which is Opiliones. Common names for this Order are 1) daddy-longlegs, 2) harvestmen and 3) opilionids. They are characterized by having one basic body segment which shows segmentation on the posterior portion, at most 2 eyes and all 8 legs attach to the pill-like body segment. They are usually found under logs and rocks, prefer moist habitat although they can be found in the desert, often have long flexible legs (in the temperate Northern hemisphere but there are also short-legged daddy-longlegs) and they do not produce silk so therefore they are never found in webs unless they are being eaten by spiders. Because they are found under logs and other stuff which people most often are not turning over, most folks don't run into daddy-longlegs very often.

Another creature often called daddy-longlegs are actually spiders. These long-legged spiders are in the family Pholcidae. Previously the common name of this family was the cellar spiders but arachnologists have also given them the moniker of "daddy-longlegs spiders" because of the confusion generated by the general public. Because these arachnids are spiders, they have 2 body basic body parts (cephalothorax and abdomen), have 8 eyes most often clumped together in the front of the body, the abdomen shows no evidence of segmentation, have 8 legs all attached to the front most body part (the cephalothorax) and make webs out of silk. This is most probably the animal to which people refer when they tell the tale because these spiders are plentiful especially in cellars (hence their common name) and are commonly seen by the general public. The most common pholcid spiders found in U.S. homes are both European immigrants. Pholcus phalangioides is a uniformly grey spider with rectangular, elongate abdomen and is found throughout the U.S. Holocnemus pluchei also has a rectangular, elongate abdomen but has a brown stripe on the ventral side (the belly side - which is typically directed upwards since the spider hangs upside down in its web) which covers its sternum and is a stripe on the abdomen. These spiders are very common along the Pacific Coast. and into the southwest deserts.
Possible envenomation

Is there any truth to this oft-repeated tale?

Daddy-longlegs (Opiliones) - these arachnids make their living by eating decomposing vegetative and animal matter although are opportunist predators if they can get away with it. They do not have venom glands, fangs or any other mechanism for chemically subduing their food. Therefore, they do not have poison and, by the powers of logic, cannot be poisonous from venom. Some have defensive secretions that might be poisonous to small animals if ingested. So, for these daddy-long-legs, the tale is clearly false.

Daddy-longlegs spiders (Pholcidae) - Here, the myth is incorrect at least in making claims that have no basis in known facts. There is no reference to any pholcid spider biting a human and causing any detrimental reaction. If these spiders were indeed deadly poisonous but couldn't bite humans, then the only way we would know that they are poisonous is by milking them and injecting the venom into humans. For a variety of reasons including Amnesty International and a humanitarian code of ethics, this research has never been done. Furthermore, there are no toxicological studies testing the lethality of pholcid venom on any mammalian system (this is usually done with mice). Therefore, no information is available on the likely toxic effects of their venom in humans, so the part of the myth about their being especially poisonous is just that: a myth. There is no scientific basis for the supposition that they are deadly poisonous and there is no reason to assume that it is true.

What about their fangs being too short to penetrate human skin? Pholcids do indeed have short fangs, which in arachnological terms is called "uncate" because they have a secondary tooth which meets the fang like the way the two grabbing parts of a pair of tongs come together. Brown recluse spiders similarly have uncate fang structure and they obviously are able to bite humans. There may be a difference in the musculature that houses the fang such that recluses have stronger muscles for penetration because they are hunting spiders needing to subdue prey whereas pholcid spiders are able to wrap their prey and don't need as strong a musculature. So, again, the myth states as fact something about which there is no scientific basis.
In summary

For true daddy-long-legs, the opilionids, the myth is certainly false, and for the daddy-long-legs spiders it is certainly not based on known facts.
They are craneflys check this for proof. depends on which daddy long legs you are asking about.
Yes and no. True “daddy-long-legs” are spiders and they aren’t remotely dangerous to humans.

“Daddy-long-legs” is the common name for a spider of the family Pholcidae. They have 2 body basic body parts (cephalothorax and abdomen), have 8 eyes most often clumped together in the front of the body, the abdomen shows no evidence of segmentation, have 8 legs all attached to the front most body part (the cephalothorax) and make webs out of silk. The most common pholcid spiders found Europe and the UK is Pholcus phalangioides.

Their venom is completely harmless to mammals, and their “fangs” are far too small and weak to pierce human skin anyway.
yeah theyre spiders, and ive heard that they do have the most deadly venom but they cant bite you cuz their mouths arent made that way
They are NOT craneflies. A cranefly looks like a gigantic mosquito. They are not spiders but are in the arachnid family. I always told people they don't bite until I handed my child one and it bent its face down and punctured his hand. From the yelling it hurt too so they do bite. They are NOT poisonous but they are carnivorous and will stalk and catch bugs, insects, and smaller daddy long legs.
NO they are not spiders.

spiders have an abdomen and a cephelathorax, daddy long legs only have a cephelathorax

besides, they aren't even poisonus. they dont have a poison gland.

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