Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my fishtank has sprung a leak on the corner on the tank what do i do?

i used adhesives but the little drop of water keeps coming out. where do i put the fish when i drain the tank? I have 6 fish can i put them in a bowl and for how long? help please.
Get a plastic bucket, make sure its clean, and put the fish and the water in it so as not to "shock'' the fish. Take a silicone sealer and run a beed of it where the leak is. Let it stand for 24 hrs. That should do the trick
Hurry and get something to put the fish in, (with water of course) than drain the tank, throw it out and buy a new one today.
Hi: You can try this At pool supply houses the sell an Underwater patch kit for pools. I used it on my pool and it worked perfectly. It is simple to do Basically you cut an oversized patch apply the glue they supply and your done. This probbably will work otherwise it's off to the Glass man Good luck
well i would get a new one!
Even if you fix this tank the bit where you fixed is going to be too weak for the pressure of the water so it will keep leaking. It's time for a new tank %26 quickly. If it's night time then syphon out some water from the tank %26 put it in an esky (they're good because they keep the water temp pretty stable). Set up the esky with the filter %26 heater %26 they'll be ok in there overnight (provided they're safe from cats etc). If it's the day then yeah - you can just take out some of the water %26 put your fish in a bucket or something, as long as there's been no chemicals used in it, until you get back from the store.

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