Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Filly!?

Here are some pictures of my 19 month old paint filly. I am wanting to start her at 2yrs old. Based on the pic do you think she will be mature enough to start at 2 yrs old?
You can't decide on that based on a pic. Starting age for hard work is based on when the skeletal system finishes growing. Most people measure this when the knees close. Your vet can do radiographs (xrays) to measure this, and your vet can also guide you on a proper work regimen.

I personally err on the side of caution. You can do alot of teaching at this age. If you do things right you'll have taught most of what she needs to know before she is old enough to be worked. When it does come time to saddle %26 work her, it'll be a piece of cake. And because you waited it won't be a strain on her.

Pretty horse! Best of luck to you!
I would think so. For short periods of time and not too much weight. But you could get her saddle ready and start doing some bridal work along with voice commands.
she loooks like she should be fine depending on what you want to start training her in. if she is still pretty close to that small start her out with just some ground work and getting her used to the saddle and having a bit and birdle in her mouth. then whne she is a little bit bigger than this start her out in whatever you want. she looks gorgeous by the way is she a paint? she's a pretty little thing!
She might be but try to start at a later age.She might not be ready for it yet
she's so cute!
Shes cute also but thin and gutty looking. You sure your horses don't have worms? By the looks of your field you have no grass. I sure hope your feeding hay to them.
Okay here it goes w/my honest answer. She looks wormy and unfit for training. Have a vet x-ray her knees to see if she is ready. The right front leg looks like it turns out quit a bit. Is this normal or just the way she is standing? She looks small and I noticed the sun is out but no shine to her coat. The pasture looks very run down w/manure visibly seen. The one back leg had something on it mud or manure? Does she have a loose stool? How are her teeth? Many questions here for you and seeing I saw a pic of your appy as well.your horses are in need of something more. I would need more info from you to help out.
well i think she looks thin and needs to fill out more before you start training. talk to your vet about a better diet. do you worm her? how cold does it get at night? does she were a blanket? i could anwser the question a little better if i knew her backround. by the way she is very pretty!
No horse should be ridden before three. She looks awful by the way. Why don't you deworm her and get some decent hay and grain?

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