Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My ferret is wasting away to nothing, why?

She has gotten so skinny I can feel her little ribs. I have not changed her diet and she seems to be eating and acting normally. Any ideas of what I can do for her?
as stated take her to the vet i lost a fuzzy who was only 2 yr old to IBS he got very emanciated and was very ill from it as stated before it could be a many of things it could be ADV it could be worms it could be parasites and on and on and on only a medical exam will tell
Take her to the vet.
how old is she?
mine did the same thing..go to ur local pet store and get is a vitamin specifically for ferrets and they love the taste..also u can look at websites for different treats ur ferret would like..a change in diet!!
It could be diabeties or a tumor in the stomach. See a vet.
Maybe he's got worms, call the vet.
We lost our beloved ferret, Zorro after 3.5 years of wonderful play. He did the same thing. They also can do what is called "dead ferret syndrome". Take your ferret to a vet that specializes in exotic pets. Most vets do not know a thing about the care of ferrets at least not here in SC where they have only been legal a short time. Do not waste time. They do not have a large body and they can die very quickly. Also, if you have one, they bond with humans and pets around them . If they do not have companionship they will also die. Two are better than one all the time. Good Luck Anne
there could be a number of thngs wrong so don't wait gether to the vet or emergancy clinic now. if she is that thin she could "go" at any time so don't wait i would give you some sites but only a vet would be able to help at this point

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