Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my ferret is only like 5months will he get bigger then what he already is??

i wanna kno how much bigger will he get like twice as big?? and will he get more playful?? also he doesnt listen by his name y?i kno his not deaph.
If you got your Ferret from a pet store, it is likely a Marshall Farms Ferret and they tend to be smaller than those bred by small breeders. If you have not researched Ferrets and their behavior, I have included some very helpful links for you to read. They sleep approximately 16 hours in the day but when they are awake, they want to do everything that pops into their head RIGHT NOW!! :)

Be sure you provide him with the best food you can get (NOT cat chow), Fresh water every day too. He will need at least 1 hour of your attention every day so you and he can bond and you can teach him what is what. As he grows up, he may be more playful, when they are tired or not feeling well, they will become lethargic and show less interest in playtime.

I hope the links help you and your new friend. The book Ferrets for Dummies is also a great source of information.
The best person to answer your question is a vet who is familiar with ferrets. Assuming that your ferret is a male, males are always bigger than the females. As to HOW big, it depends on genetics really. I've had male ferrets that weighed 3 pounds and then I've also had male ferrets that weighed 1 1/2 pounds. So you will just have to wait and see. Female ferrets are always smaller. I would say that at 5 months he is almost grown. He may do a little more growing yet but probably not a whole lot. They are the most playfull when they are "kits". As they age, they tend to be not as playful because they age 14 years to our one.
Every animal is different. Your ferret might still grow bigger or longer in the future, and eventually he should learn his name. Your ferret might already know his name, but he might not want to respond. Ferrets are a lot like rabbits and guinea pigs. They are very independant and like to do their own thing.
He might.
lets see if I can help.your ferret will get twice as big but it takes a long time. A Ferret's metabolism is sooo fast that it only takes about 20 minutes for his food to go from his mouth to the other end. this is also why a Ferret can go into seizures at temperatures exceeding 80 degrees. The more your Ferret gets to know you and your voice, the more he will inner act with you but don't expect it any time soon. This last one I got about 2 years ago just started coming to his cage to let me know to give all of them their signal to come out and play and that's the "Bad boy" cop song.that's when they wake up and start to Jones to come out, dancing back and forth and so on. this last ferret will actually let me put my fingers in his cage at hammock level and will rub his head like a cat on my fingers until I let them out or as long as I leave my fingers in the cage (this came out of no where!) and is the only ferret that does this. He is also the only rescue that I have and I think he knows I saved his life and what I did, and says thank you every chance he gets.Ferrets DON'T FORGET! and more times than not, will disown you if you hit them or specially tap them on the nose.DON'T do that either. leave a food bolw in his cage at all times and a full water bottle and sooner or later, if your lucky, he'll come around. All my Ferrets know and love me but rowdie is the only one that will get physical with me. oh, don't forget the toys..from plastic and paper bags to balls and anything that looks like a feret toy which can be anything that he'll play with. This one ferret loves to push my colone cap around like a seal and he'll do it for a long long time so use your imagination they'll love you for it! :)
our ferrets Boo boo 6 yrs old and Doc 5 yrs old are 3 lbs each. We got them when they were 6 weeks old. We are attached to them. If you keep him caged he will get bigger because he is not as active, we don't cage ours. We have a litter box in each room they go in so they don't have accidents on the floor. Because they are active they do not store up a lot of fat. We feed them 8 in 1 ferret food. They love raisins for treats but you have to be careful that you do not give them to many because they can become diabetic from them. Boo boo likes banana's too. Make sure he has fresh water every day too. We always made sure we had two ferrets so they have a play mate and when one is sick the other confert's him. It took a while before the boys recognized their names but you say it enough and pat your leg or clap you hands playfully they will begin to respond. Dopey was a blaze ferret and he was blind and deaf so we tapped on the floor to get his attention. The lived to be six years old, we were told he would only last a year. He proved everyone wrong. He had a bad heart condition. Love him and enjoy him, they are a great pleasure to have around. Mine greet me at the door every day when I come home from work. If you do keep him out of the cage make sure you ferret proof your home. Close off any holes he can go through (under the kitchen and bathroom cabinets everyone misses those holes) and I put Velcro on my lower cabinet doors.

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