Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my ferret is drooling alot, i just bought him yesterday,should i be worried?

Ferrets will do that when they are extremely stressed and nervous. Keep him in a calm, quiet environment and don't let everyone poke at him and mess with him. If he hasn't stopped drooling by tomorrow I'd have him seen by a vet.
My oldest ferret Vicky started drooling excessively when I took her out into public to be on a float in the Christmas parade. Drool was actually dripping off of her chin. She had been in public before, but never around that many people. I simply took her home and she calmed down within an hour.
And I do agree, make sure she gets plenty of water so she doesn't dehydrate.
Yes, I had three ferrets and none of them ever drooled. I would have it checked by a vet to be safe.
I think that you should check with a vet if your not shore about anything you should call you local vet and ask them so call your vet and ask them about it and don't forget to give details!
Check the mouht for something in its teeth or caught in between. Could signify an upper respirtory infection.
Drooling from a ferret is a sign of dehydration! They tend to get this way when under stress, such as being removed from all his little buddies and familiar environment. While serious it is remedied by simply getting some fluid into it. Pediasure (the stuff in the isle with the baby food at the grocery store) will do the best job as it's made to hydrate the body quickly but simply getting it to drink water will help. Try the water bottle or a eye dropper to shoot some in if you must. Really now, you need to get on it as this can get serious in a hurry! Good luck.

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