Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My ferret is acting weird.?

My ferret Fredie is always tired and always itches himself. He pooed out half of a warm like creature 2 weeks ago. what is wrong?
You're very vague. Take your ferret to the vet, along with a sample of his poop. It would have been best to take to "warm like creature" to the vet for identification too, but now that is too late. Ferrets itch naturally. Ferrets also sleep an average of 18-22 hours a day. You need to take him to the vet to be examined and have x-rays taken. He may have a blockage inside, more pieces of "warm like creature" inside, or other problems. Ferrets are prone to cancer, so they need to evaluate for that too, since cancer can make them more lethargic and itchy, as well as change their poops.
might have worms ,have him checked out
Probably has fleas %26 worms sucking out all his nutrients. Take him to the vet.
He may be getting old, or he isn't getting enough exercise
maybe has worms, thats not uncommon. Get him to the vet..poor guy

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