Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my ferret has a large scar like mark on the side of his body it seems to be geting larger what could this..?

possibly be?i think it's some kind of skin disese where can i find more information to cure him??
I'd recommend going to the vet for treatment. Ferrets are prone to lots of diseases, including thryoid problems, adrenal problems, diabetes, cancer/tumors.
Sounds like an infection. If you have a vet, take the ferret there for treatment. Keep the cage clean and fresh. I think ferrets are cute.
You need to get him to the vet. This is probably a neoplastic growth that isn't cancerous, but can become cancerous if left alone for too long. You also need to get it removed before it becomes so big that they can't close the wound back up. Ferrets get these and the only solution is to surgically take it off.

If it is not one of these, your vet will let you know what it is, and take care of it for you.

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