Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my gerbil ate lettuce for the first time (at 3 years old) and all of a sudden stopped moving what do i do?

Hes alive, but just as if sleeping but just comatose. he knows when i have a hand in the cage but is not all there. he has been eating hard food all his life.
What kind of lettuce? They can't eat iceberg lettuce, cause they can't digest it! It will kill them! Thats how my hamster died. If you did feed him that, call your vet right away and ask them if you can give him something that will make it pass.
If your gerbil ate the stem of the lettuce then he will be drugged from it. Lettuce contains opiate compounds that act like morphine. I would leave the poor chap alone to sleep it off.
well I know lettuce makes rabbits druggy like that maybe it does the same for gerbils you should probably stay away from that next time
It is okay to feed lettuce to your gerbil so he should be okay. If he continues to display this lack of movement your particular gerbil may have digestive troubles and may need to see a vet. However, note that it has been scientifically proven that gerbils living alone show signs of being depressed and show symptoms that normal depressed people would show and one of those is laying around and sleeping.
IT is probably constipated and you should give it alot of water and if it doesnt get better take it to the vets
You should put your finger over it's heart to se if it's beating..If it is but the rest of his body isn't moving pick your gerble up and se if it i not as heavy as it used to be.If it is lighter than usual than you need to go to the vet and have them check it out..Though it might not be the lettuce, it might be ilergic to something in it's cage.Good Luck with your gerbel
Take it to the vet imediately. Myne died because I didn't get her the medicine soon enough. Hurry!!
take your fingers and turn the gerbil over on his tummy and squeeze him. he'll digest it just fine. :] oorrrr give him mouth to mouth resuscitation.

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