Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My gelding!?

Here are some pictures of my 12 yr old appy gelding. I am currently using him him for barrel racing and i am starting to notice he is losing a little weight. How can i get him to gain those lost pounds?
I rescued a horse a number of years ago, he was abused, neglected %26 still intact, stabled around mares. As a result, his condition was very very lean.
My vet recommended beet pulp. It is sold dry and needs to be soaked in a container of water overnight (so it doesnt absorb moisture from inside your horse).
Beet pulp adds bulk to your horses diet without increasing the energy quotient like grain will.
It worked well, he was able to bring on weight gradually %26 build muscle at the same time.
He does look a bit thin.
Give him love and his fave treats.
If he continues to loose weight, see a vet. It could be serious.
Hes very cute

Theres lots you can do to get a horse to gain weight. Up his grain, start feeding him alfalfa hay or alfalfa mix. Being that I don't know what he is getting fed now doesn't allow me to tell you how much to up him to properly. Stay away from those weight gainer supplements. They really are just a waste of money
He is very cute and I'm a Paint person. Just up his feed alittle and add more hay. I hope you have him on a deworming schedule as well. He definitly looks like he needs the weight to build more muscle to be able to handle the barrels. What are you feeding now?
My gelding was skinny skinny and we fed him beat mash that came in pellets. You mix it with water, and it really packed it on him and he even got a little fat!
Give him a few extra flakes of hay a day. DO NOT give him any extra treats than what you would usually give him because this can cause colic.
More high quality hay, throw in a little alfalfa. You can also add beet pulp (soaked) and rice bran to his diet, it works wonders (kept my TB nice and fat) and is great for their coat.
Deworm him and then supplement him with roasted soybean meal or a weightbuilder.
Hes a bit on the thin side not too bad( i have seen worse). I have 3 words for you SOY BEAN MEAL..feed slowly to dont what a sick horse but it should help "pack on some pounds"..good luck
Deworm him.

Up his feed slowly over the week or so to a slightly higher level. make sure he ALWAYS has either hay or grass.

Try adding extra calories from fat via veg oil or powdered fat supplements.

And if these still don't work, bring the vet in. He may be ill and there could be a reason for weight loss.
I would have his teeth checked. At around his age quite a few horses need to be "floated". The vet will use a file to grind down any sharp points that are causing him to not be able to chew his food thoroughly. Sounds horrible, I know, but it is needed, and if his teeth are bad, you will also notice a difference in his work attitude, too.

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