Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My friend wants to call her dog Witch but with a B instead of a W. Is she mad?

i think she may be serious.
I think it's very inappropriate and a little bit juvenile to be naming the dog that way.

That's the proper terminology for a female dog. But not to call her by name.'
Well, it is the correct term for a female dog. But I think she's being silly to really do that. I'd bet if she does, so many people will tell her she's mad that she'll end up changing it to something else.
Yepp - coz a male dog is called a dog. ** is female
I hope it's not a male dog!
Not at all, i had a dog named fat **
the irst thing came to my mind that she doesn't like her dog.!
that term is used for female dogs so hopefully people wont take it out of context.
she is some sort of mad call her dog witch but with a B instead of a W. u noe even pets have feelings . ur fren may be hurting her dog's feeling.
I called my dog "Little Bugger" coz the first thing it did was bite me, the little bugger. However, as funny as this seems to friends and family (okay, not so much family), when he broke out of the garden and we had to find it by calling "Little Bugger, where are you?". The neighbours got real piss*d, real quick.
Who's do you say is mad? Your friend or the dog?
Ok, so am assuming that she is actually wanting to name it that. Not just refer to it as that, due to it being a female and among breeders, that is how they refer to female dogs. The males are sires and the females are called *itch. (it is still very much a man's world. the male dogs are not called any derogatory names, only the female dog) If she is using the word in that way, then she is officially not wrong when referring to the dog. If she however is just doing it cause she thinks it is funny, then she is way off and someone who thinks that little of their dog, doesn't deserve to have one.
She's nuts, I mean how would she react every time a child calls her dog hmmm?
well, the dog will not know any different, its name is its name, it will not know what it means.
that word is the correct term for a female dog.
I think if she does it, the last laugh will be on her, standing in the park calling out the dogs name, i wonder how many mothers will come and whap her over the head with their handbags for swearing in front of children.
Well it is the correct term for a female dog. If you watch any of the dog shows, like West Minister dog show..the announcer calls all the female show dogs bitches.
no its fine!! just could b a bit imbarasing if a kid wants 2 no what its called. lol
A female dog is called that, so it is hardly derogatory to name a female dog Witch with a B. My friend had two cats a tom called Tom and queen called Queen, nobody thought that was mad. The only reason why people think it is mad to call a female dog witch with a B, is because the word is often used as an insult. For a female dog its not an insult, it's a fact. It is people who use the term in its derogatory sense that are mad- why call someone a female dog, when they obviously aren't?

I will say this though. If your friend tries to type her dog's name on a public website such as this. people might think its name is 5 star!
that's fine after all she is bi.tch, so why worry.
it would be funny when she was calling the dog. it is the correct term for a female dog but she must be joking
I'd say so

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