Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my ferrets refuse to use litter box outside there cage,any ideas i dont want them in cage all the time.?

they will go next to it, ive tried and tried.
Make sure your fuzzies use the litter box before you let them out of the cage. Most of them WILL have to go not too long after they wake up. Then, when you let them out, watch them. If you see them backing up with their tail in the air, usually in a corner, but not always, grab them and put them into the litter box. Praise them lots if they make it, maybe give them a treat. Better luck next time if they don't make it. Don't scold or hit your ferts, they'll only associate the human hand with pain that way and you won't accomplish anything, but maybe creating a biter.
Put litter boxes in several corners in the room they're allowed to roam in, put food dishes, water bowls or piles of old t-shirts to burrow in into the others. I actually got large squares of synthetic lambs wool laying in some corners for them to play with and rest on. Ferrets won't poop where they eat or sleep.
Once they do have an accident, place the poo inside the litter pan, so your fert knows what it's for. Leave it there for the remainder of the day.
Ferrets will never be 100% though and they will need constant refresher courses. It takes vigilance and patience to get the job done.
I trained my four this way and they're doing great, even when we go on "play dates". We bring our own litter box and they use it.
Once in a while the behavior you described is due to the ferrets not liking the kind of pan you are using or the type of litter that's in it. Do yours use the litter pan in the cage? Some ferrets prefer the square litter pan that will hold the whole ferret over the corner ones. You may have to experiment with that.
I have one spot in their room that I cannot break them from using the floor on and that's right by the door(and I know several owners who have the same problem). I'm thinking that in this case it's more of a marking behavior because that is the place where all the strange smells enter their little world. No matter what I do, they always want to use that spot, so I started putting several layers of newspaper down. It saves my carpet and my nerves. Good luck with your bunch, hope this helped.
Oh, and thank you for not wanting them caged all the time. They wouldn't like that.
Get used to it if they are older than 6 months.
Try playing w/ them outside, and try to get them to go there.
Hi the only real answer to that is to watch them %26 put them back in to go potty every now %26 then or when you think they are looking for a place to go.They are a bit like us really %26 it would be like asking you to pee in a bush in the garden when you have a perfectly good tiolet in the house %26 thats why they go as close as tey can to where they would normally go potty. Regards Jake

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