Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My ferrets are fighting!?

My old ferret wants to attack my new ferret.. what do I do?
Your ferts will have to establish rank, so they'll have to duke it out for a bit. As long as there is no blood flowing and neither one of the two is being kept from eating, drinking, pooping or resting, leave them be. If you keep interrupting it will never be settled.
The youngster will also have to be taught some manners and who better to do that than an older fert? Just make sure that the older doesn't literally SCARE the poop out of the youngster. I would intervene then.
Just don't leave them unsupervised until things are settled and maybe keep their encounters time limited. Give each of them out-of-cage time separately as well as together.
Ferrets play rough, REAL rough. They have some of the toughest skin around, so what looks painful to you isn't really all that bad. Some ferrets figure out that when they squeal loud enough "Momma" comes running, so they squeal all the time at the first sign of "discipline" by the older ferret. They are smart, very smart!
Every now and then you'll come across a couple of ferrets that absolutely cannot get along. It's rare, but it happens. In that case you'll have to either get rid of one or keep them separated.
If you have the guts and the resources you can also try adding a third. For some reason the diversion of a third ferret stops the fighting sometimes. I'd wait and see with that though.
Good luck with your two.
Here is a great site about ferrets fighting>
take BOTH out of your undershorts.

.sick b@stard!
Record it and put it on the internet it will be cool
Hey Angel,

I have three. Two Girls and One Boy. Luckily the boy and one of the girls are only 1 year old - so they do the "Clash of the Titan Ferrets" with each other, mostly. When the older girl (She is 6) gets into the mix, she holds her own but the boy can get kind of mean and focused. I've found that this works;

I grab him by the scruff of the neck and hold him against my heart area of my chest. I slowly stroke him while saying, slowly, "No" - After a minute or so, I put him down and he leaves her alone and will either explore on his own or try to pick a fight with the young girl again.

Thankfully, when play time is over and everyone returns to the cage, they all sleep together like nothing ever happened.

( I have been known to cheat sometimes and let "Grandma" out alone for a few minutes just so that she realizes that she still rules the roost and then we can have some private play -- It keeps the jealousy down - I think.)

We are lucky aren't we?

James in San Diego
How hard his the other one fighting? Do you think he/she would kill the new ferret? Be honest. If it looks like blood and guts are going to be spilled, chances are the new ferret will never get along with the old one. Some ferrets are horrible fighters.

If not, and there is no urine or fear poop, then you just have a dominance problem. That will go away in time. Just keep trying. Does the old ferret wag it's tail and dook constantly, and try to get at the new ferret like mad? If so you may have ferrets that won't ever get along. Just keep trying.


  1. thnx alot, i thought my ferrets were fighting because they hate each other, i had one and i got a new one and they started to fight but thnx to u now i now that they are playing thnx alot man

  2. I got a male ferret when he was about 6 months old and had him for about 8 months before I convinced my parents to let me get him a friend.. I went to PETCO and got him a Lil baby girl.. She's only 2 months old and she's less then half his size.. I have them n 2 separate cages for now but put the cages next to each other.. When I let them out together my older one will bite her around her ears and neck and every now and then he tries to drag her. She never poops or pees tho and he never draws blood.. I just wanna know if this is a dominance thing or if he's trying to hurt her? She also always makes this kind of hissing noise no matter what she's playing with.. My other ferret never did it until he started hearing her do it.. Is that normal?

    THANKS :-)
