Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My girlfriend is currently dating an Alpaca, do you think she has issues ?

Mmmmm . sounds like you have competition. Try growing the hair on your back and your stomach then she can knit herself a lovely soft sweater :-)
Your GF is dating a goat?
try getting some more hair on yourself. she may like bears too
maybe u should act like one!
NOPE.she doesn't have issues! But you sure do.
Yes, I would say so, unless she's an alpaca too.
dear twilightime,
One needs to ask a few questions,such as. Do the two of them appear to be happy. Are they enthralled with each other. Hopefully no physical harm is involved in their relationship.
My advice if they seem to be truly meant for each other, encourage and embrace them.
Thousands of relationships are ill formed and abusive. If this is one that is made in heaven, foster it.
Whatever the outcome, I wish the alpaca and your girlfriend, the best; of course in that order.
Totally, Llama's make better boyfriends.
LOL You're an alpaca?!?! How did you learn to type with your hooves? Ha ha ha!

Dating or just having sex with?
The male's penis is attached to the inside of his body, and generally does not detach until at least two years of age. The penis is a very long, thin, prehensile organ that is, oddly enough, perfectly designed for the task of finding the vaginal opening despite a fluffy tail, penetrating the hymen (if present,) navigating the vaginal canal and entering the cervical opening, where deposit of the semen occurs. Mounting does not mean that penetration has occurred. Females with full coats on their posteriors are more challenging to penetrate and more problematic for a male. A heavily wooled female may simply be impossible to penetrate. Tail-wrapping or trimming the fiber from the tail and around the buttocks allows for surer access. As a warning to the reader, be aware that there have been
tragic incidents in which the penises of stud animals have become ensnared in hair so badly that the blood flow was interrupted and a portion of the penis was lost. One of the most prolific studs in the llama business lost his reproductive capability due to this phenomenon. Occasionally, the stud may simply have a problem with bad aim and release semen on the exterior of the female after a lengthy mounting. If They were much more concerned with testical size for fertility rates

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