Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My girl Guinea Pig just had babies, and the male keeps humping her. Will she get pregnant again?

Ya, my guinea pig had that same thing happen, and she was pregnant immediately. We saw it too late and removed the male, but it was no good.
any second now.
Yup. If she weren't able to get pregnant again she would have stopped him. Most rodents have a short gestation time and an even shorter recovery time. I would only put them together when you want to mate them.
Our vet told us our female can get pregnant as she is giving birth (ugh!). I would separate them although the deed may be done.
Why don't you just get them spayed and neutered? Then they can be together and not have a pet overpopulation problem.
Guinea pigs can get pregnant right after birth and they can also put off their pregnancy until they are ready. I have guinea pigs that have been together and then separated them all winter. I found two of my females pregnant and the males were in another cage with no contact at all. I checked the females to make sure I didn't make a mistake sexing them and they were all female. If the weather is really bad or there is sparse food available, the female can hold off her pregnancy for better conditions. Nature has really looked out for the
Guinea pig.
separate them! 2 females are the best to have if you want two. Be a responsible pet owner!!
i have no clue, but u might want to put them in seperate cages so she won't.i'd be on the safe side if i was u
Yes!! Guineas don't have a specific time that they can get pregnant. They can get pregnant during the labor period. They can also hold semen until they are ready to give birth.

When you find out that your female is pregnant separate the male to avoid litter after litter.
they're rodents right? so yeah she will they never stop.
oh yes! get him out!! it could be dangerous for the female!
She is probably already pregnant. She can get pregnant the VERY MOMENT she was done having babies! What were you thinking keeping them together? What were you thinking having a mixed pair to begin with??

Now if you had any sense at all you would separate them. Then, sex the babies because the males are fertile and ready to hump their mama at 3 weeks old. The female babies are ready to have their own babies at 5 weeks old.

Get it right this time. Do you know how many homeless guinea pigs there are?I have thirty in my rescue right now because of careless and ignorant people like you.
yes. you need to separate them quickly or get that male piggie nuetured
You need to remove the male; at this point, she is already pregnant. The male will breed the baby female at 3 to 4 week so it is imperative to remove the male, and sex the babies at 3 week. The mother will deliver in 63 to 68 day. Again, sex babies and remove male. You can place the baby boys with the dad as they are young and he should bond with them, just remember to sex them or you will have a mess. I help to run a guinea pig rescue and we have had people come in with 20 some piggies from not separating them and all the female where pregnant again.

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