Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Ferret poops and pees everywhere in his cage what can i do?

I Just bought a ferret about 3 weeks ago.. He is only about 12 to 13 weeks old but he has a problem with going to the bath room everywhere. I don't think this is healthy because he walks in it. When i bought him they said he would be pretty much litter trained when i get him home. He was for the first week but now he likes to make a mess out of the cage. any suggestions to help me get him back to going in his litter pan would be helpful! Thanks p.s. i have purchased a mini litter pan to put in the places where he goes i figure if i can get him use to the litter again i can take that one out and he may go back to his usual one.
I agree with the person above but when you train it, one way to help it realize where it needs to poop is by picking up pieces of it's poop that's just lying outside of the pan and putting it in the pan. That'll help him figure out "hey, I guess this is where I do my stuff."
Another thing is, make sure it's a pan that has an opening in the front because Ferrets back up when they poop, the opening just helps them figure out where exactly to back into otherwise they can occationally poop just outside the pan. I also suggest a corner pan, that way it's out of the way and I've just seen corner pans work better for whatever reason.
clean the cage and potty train it like you would a cat.
execute it!
ferrets are gross. its like a rat. a rodent. it doesn't answer when you call it. i would throw it in the trash. he would be happy trust me.
You haves to train the pet
When it poops outside its litter box , move the poop into the litter box and after a few days they will get the picture. They also will not poop in their beds so plase tawels down in the cage and they shouldnt poop on them. But they will back-up to the nearest corner so buy the high sided corner littler pans.
I just have to add that ferrets aren't rodents they're more like cats as pets but harder to potty train. I gave up and built a different cage that I can clean easily for mine. She generally uses the box but for reasons unknown liked to go in the far corner on occassion. Keep the box 99% clean. Scoop often but leave like one turd or they'll think they've got a play pit and dig and potty else where.
put a litter pan in their favorite spot an you can use cat litter in it theyll get in an go but you have to clean it OFTEN once its full or they think theres to much they will use the cage again good luck thir like cats an easy to train..
I have 3 ferrets and took the road of cleaning the cage on a daily basis. One comment ferrets are not rodents. FERRETS are from the Mustelidae family. In this family, you will find several familiar animals including the badger, otter, mink, weasel, wolverine, and skunk. RATS, rodents are furry, warm blooded animals Most rodents are fairly small The most distinctive feature of rodents is their front teeth. All rodents have a pair of constantly growing teeth at the front of their mouths . They use these teeth to gnaw on things If I have offended anyone with this I do apologize but I love all animals and I have ferrets and rats and ignorance bothers me.


  1. Skunks aren't in the Mustelidae family anymore, they are in the Mephitidae now.

    To the people that commented with suggestions to kill it, why even comment on this? Go be a troll elsewhere.

    Ferrets DO answer when you call them. Before you make yourself look like a fool, at least do your research.

  2. i have 2 ferrets when i call them by their name they answer and they poop in there boxes i dont have them in a gage they do have one just in case and the liter box i cut the front of it so they can back up easy in to it
