Monday, May 24, 2010

My rabbit has a lump near her right leg, on her "breast". i just noticed it today. what could it be?

I don't know if she is spayed or not, as she was an adult rabbit when I got her so I can't tell.

Please no stupid answers. She isn't pregnant (she is with a female guinea pig), or nursing, and she is a much loved family pet so only serious answers thanks.
It's possible that it is a tumour.does it seem like it hurts her when you touch it? If it does, I'd say it's more probable to be an abcess. It also could be that she got bitten by you tend to have spider problems in your house? The only way to know for sure is to take her to the vet. If it is a mammary tumour, he'll probably give you some type of topical cream to put on it daily.this will keep it from swelling and becoming painful, and can help to shrink it down.
Possibly cancer. My dog got a lump on his underside and it was cancer. Take her to the vet to get it checked out.
bruzed, cancer, infected, non cancerous growth.
It oculd be a cyst or it could actually be breast cancer. It's more common in rats, but rabbits can get the cancer as well. Just to be safe, take her to the vet and have it looked at. If you're lucky it'll just be a cyst (fluid filled lump) and might only need to be drained.

Good luck!
could be a cyst,,have it checked out.
If the lump grows you should visit a vet.
It could be anything. Best thing is to take her to a vet. Don't start worrying till you need to but whatever you do don't delay. All the best. xxx.
Is the lump hard or soft? It is probably just a cyst (rabbits tend to get them) so you're not going to like what i'm about to tell you to do, but it's necessary. take a sharp, clean razor blade and make a small cut where the lump is. this should not hurt your bunny and actually, it will probably make her feel better. the lump should "pop" like a giant pimple or ooze out puss. clean the area really good and put some neosporin where you made the cut. it should clear up in a few days.
Older animals sometimes develop tumors. This is something that a vet would need to examine in order to determine whether the tumor is a cancer (either malignant [bad] or benign [harmless]) or another growth. I had an older lab who developed a large lump on her chest. It turned out not to be a cancerous growth, but rather a fatty deposit that had built up under her skin. The deposit is not dangerous or life threatening, just slightly alarming to look at. She has it to this day. It kind of looks like she swallowed a golf ball.

My suggestion would be to take the rabbit to a vet if you are really concerned. He / she is should be able to tell you whether the lump poses a health risk.
my poor little bunny had a lump nr her leg it turned out to be cancer and she died during an anastetic we left it quite a while before going to a vet becauese we were scared i guess. I suggest u take her to a vet as soon as you can cos things r easier treat if u act fast. she had i believe mamory cancer which is to do with someting that carries the milk to her breasts so it may b that good luck and i hope she is ok .
Cancer. It's going to die. Eat it.
Just taken my dog to vets a day ago was a cyst just get it checked out (peace of mind) Good luck.
with my dog it turned out to be cancer to but we caught it in time hopefully a trip to the vet will solve everything and it will turn out to be nothing but a cyst doesn't it just crush you when something like this happens and kids do worry good luck i hope everything will be OK
either cancer or a tumor. my pet rat has one too. and it has gotten larger and multiplied into two now. her energy level has dropped conciderably and she will die any day now but has survived with it for over two months. rabbits are simular so it is probablly the same thing. this can be removed surgically.
This is normal and it probably is just a sisk. if it don't go away and still don't get bigger don't worry
My dog had a tumor in the same area. It was removed and found to be cancer free. She has now developed more.
i would ask your vet; it could just be a cyst, or maybe she has hurt herself and its infected, but it could also be a malignancy, so she needs an expert. Good luck- bunnies are nice people.
It could be many things. Is the spot hot? If it is is could just be an abcess. If it is then you can try to lance it yourself (open the wound), then clean it with nolvasan diluted to a light blue (can find it at a feed store) and put some kind of antiseptic on it (such as neosporin). You could also find a vet to do this if you do not feel comfortable doing it or don't feel qualified.
If it is a tumor that you can see on the outside you can tie a tight string around it and in a few days it will fall off, again the vet is a another choice if you do not feel comfortable.
Third if it is a hard painful lump under the skin it could be cancer and she should either be taken to the vet and treated, put to sleep, or kept comfortable as long as possible.
Most important make her happy
You really shouldn't house the rabbit with the guinea pig. They both have different nutritional requirements. Also the rabbit could very easily smother the piggie.
This could be a tumor or cancer but lumps can also be a sign of myxomatosis. Check her carefully, if she has signs of swelling around the head or genitals, problems with her eyes, very thirsty or going off her food, take her to the vets Immediately!! In best case scenarios rabbits with myxomatosis live 13 days, so please get her checked as soon as possible!
she might have just knocked it or hit it on somthing while hopping around maybe hope it and heals and hope i helped
Some times when small pets like rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters get older, they get lumps and bumps. I have a guinea pig that had a lump on her tummy, called a 'jelly bean'.

It is about the size of a jelly bean, and should not hurt when you put light pressure on it or touch it. It should also stay the same size, if the size changes it could be something more serious, a cyst, perhaps.

my rabbit chews on everything how can i get hime to stop?

First off, xdogma and luther: please do your research before you speak. Rabbits are not rodents. They haven't been considered rodents for over a hundred years. Rabbits belong to the lagomorph family, and are actually more closely related to hooved animals such as horses and cows than they are to rats and hamsters.

Second, it's a rabbit's nature to chew on all kinds of things. You can use vinegar as a deterrent. There is also a product sold at most petstores called "Bitter Apple" that comes in a spray bottle. It tastes just like a bitter apple (as well as smells like one but the smell goes away as soon as it dries), that works very well to deter rabbits from chewing on things like cords. If you don't want to go out and buy some of this, and don't have access to plain white vinegar, you can use just a plain spray bottle with plain water. Most rabbits don't like to get wet, so water can work very well as a deterent.

My rabbits also tend to chew on cords, and they don't always respond to these methods. I've gotten to the point where all the cords in my house are hidden by furniture so that the temptation just isn't there. When all else fails, it never hurts to try to just hide the cords out of sight. Hope it helps!
Give it more hay and wood chews. They chew when they are bored.
you want it to chew. If you don't let it, then it's front teeth will be loooong, so get it a salt wheel, and flavored wood sticks. Or take it to the vet so often to get it's teeth clipped.
those first two answers are good ones.
Provide plenty of wooden chew sticks, and a salt lick for him or her in the cage.

I cannot emphasize enough how important this is, as a current rabbit friend has a major cut in his mouth due to overgrown teeth.

To stop it from chewing on other things, put vinegar on the objects you don't want him or her chewing on.
You can get "hime" to stop chewing on everything by taking a small hammer and knocking his teeth out one at a time.
its a rabbits natural behavior
Get a water bottle, and when he chews, squirt him. Or clap your hands. That works on my bunny.
All rodents need something to chew on because their teeth
grow so fast always give the rabbit some chew blocks to chew on
It's a rodent,it will chew.
Rabbits do naturally chew on things - this is why it's so important to keep electric cables and poisonous plants tucked far away from them. Keep all electrical cables tucked well underneath thick rugs or mats or cushions, or you can securely attach cables so they're running up high along your walls, where your bunn can't reach them.

Rabbits' teeth never stop growing, so it's natural for them to chew, to keep their teeth from getting too long - this is one of the reasons that hay is so very important - rabbits should have access to good quality hay 24/7, both for their teeths' health, and for their digestive health.

What's your rabbit chewing on that you want him to stop chewing? If he's chewing on your wallpaper or door frames or furniture, you can try placing plain brown cardboard boxes in front of these things while he's out in your room - he'll probably really enjoying playing with and chewing the brown cardboard boxes, and it will distract him from chewing your furniture/walls!

Have a read of these great detailed rabbit sites too - - my own site - please have a browse and enjoy reading!
You should bunny proof your house. You need to buy split loom cable from a hardware store and start wrapping wires in it. You can also buy a product called bitter apple or fooey and spray it on surfaces you don't want it to eat. You can try limiting the space your rabbit has access to with baby gates.
give him or her salt

My rabbit bit two of my friends,what should i do,whats wrong with her?

You're being way too agressive with it. Give it time to warm up to ONLY you. The reason that it goes to the back of the cage is because it wants to be left alone. Do you do this during the daytime hours? Rabbits are a nocturnal animal. They sleep during the day and are awake at night.

Rabbits do not need baths as they cleanse themselves just like a cat does, therefore I can see why the rabbit went crazy. Never blow dry the ears! The extra air can cause an infection in there.

Also, a rabbits nails need to be trimmed once every six weeks by a professional. If their nails get too long they won't be able to keep their feet flat on the floor to hop. This can be very painful for them.

A rabbit's cage should be cleaned out and sanitized a minimum of three times per week. If they breathe in their own urine and feces it can cause an infection in their nasal cavity which causes them to make "sneezing" and "barking" noises.

I highly highly recommend that you get a book about rabbit care or check out It sounds, to me, like you got a pet for their cuteness and know nothing about it's care.
Why are you blow-drying a rabbit?!

Rabbits are sociable animals and like company. Get him a friend.
kill it and eat it and use its feet for a necklace emblem
The wabbit has to go.

My quinea pig won't run in her ball. How do I get her to move?

We bought her a run-about ball and she just sits there.not moving, not budging. The last guinea pig I had loved his ball and while they are all different and I understand that.I don't understand why I can't get this one to run. Any helpful advice would be appreciated! I hope I didn't waste $15.00. Thanks
Some pigs just don't like the ball, it makes them nervous. If you want to get them used to it just put him in it for 10 minutes twice a could be he just doesn't know what to do.
get him used to it
Check to see if it's alive.
put food in there
give the ball a little puch and if she run give her some her her favorite food.
well some quinea pigs dont like to run in them you cant really force her.
I have 2 little piggies and neither of them us the ball. I think it is all about your little piggie if she wants to use it or not. Don't worry she will do what she wants.
put a treat in the ball.
push it and see what it does
Every pig has his or her own personality. Some enjoy toys like the ball, some don't. Get to know your pig, and don't worry if everything you buy them doesn't go over. Just like with a human child, a new toy isn't always going to be a hit (and the things you don't expect become favorites).
she might not know what the hell that thing is
give her a little push %26 she'll figure it out soon
if not then it wasnt meant 2 b
Hi, Michelle---

Just wanted to warn you that, while you can buy guinea pig balls for your pet, they are not good for guinea pigs. They can put a strain on their back. I would advise you not to use it, especially if your guinea pig is not using it. It may because he is uncomfortable and it hurts him. What I have done is bought a little small hexagon shaped pen, and let them run in that area, so they get exercise. Mine loved to run and eat in their little pen. That way they are contained and still get exercise.
Poke her in the butt.
put food in there thats what i did for my hamsters
Leave her alone! She might not be an athletic type. Would you like to run around in a ball against your will?
try him on a downhill slop so he gets the idea
Guinea pigs should NOT have running balls! They do not have bendy backs like small rodents and putting your guinea pig in the ball can seriously hurt it's back. Guinea pigs are big enough to free run, balls are pointless!

my puppy pees every where!?

i have a 3 month old chihuhua and a two year ols jack russell the two year old always pees and gets into things while i am at work and now my new puppy is doing the same thing! how do i stop this from happening?
You can't housebreak a puppy before its about 4 months old. It's like trying to get an infant to hold its bladder.

Once the puppy is old enough try this method:
Confine your puppy to a small area of your home. Use boards or child safety gates to keep it in the area. Cover the entire floor with newspaper. At first the puppy will pee everywhere, but soon you'll find he has a favorite spot. Once that happens, start taking the other newspaper away. When you clean, save a piece of the pee scented paper and put it under the clean paper you put down. This will allow the puppy to smell his pee and stop him from going on the areas you don't have paper on now. Once the puppy goes only in that spot, start taking it outside to toilet every 2 hours or so. Have a word you want the dog to associate with toileting (like potty). When the puppy starts to do its business say the word and praise the dog. Soon it will learn the word means 'go' and that it makes its owner happy. This will help you get the dog to go where you want it to and keep you from having to spend hours outside if its freezing. Once you start to see the dog go less and less inside, take all the newspaper away and clean the area with an enzyme based animal urine cleaner. If you catch the dog going in the house, say, "No!" firmly (You don't have to scream, dogs aren't deaf), immediately take it outside and say "potty". Clean all accidents with the urine cleaner.

I've used this method to housebreak many dogs over the years. They learn it quickly and almost never have accidents.

As for the two year old. The smell of its urine all over your house will only teach the puppy that it's OK to go there. Dogs pee to mark and will always try to pee over another dog's scent. You can try the same type of training, but the habit might be too ingrained to fix. Your only hope might have to be to crate it when you're not home. Chose a crate that's only big enough for the dog to stand and lay in. Put food and water in the crate with the dog. Dogs don't like to eat where they. go, and may learn to control its bowel/bladder for the amount of time you're usually gone. Worst thing that could happen is you don't have to search and clean messes from all over. Some/plenty of dogs are poorly trained or never get it. It's often the reason people ditch them and they end up in a shelter.
Put a diaper on him.
That's normal, the puppy will grow out ot it.
let it pee outside when they back
crate training is good..
after eating, playing, sleeping, puppies need to go pee.
try that. and give them praise when they go outside..
Piss on them
Buy a large crate and put them in it while you are away. When they are house broke you can leave them out.
First, put them in a cage while you are at work. Second, use Nature's Miracle to clean up the pee spots.

If you don't want to cage them, buy the pee mats. They are mats that you can get at any pet store that have a scent for the dog to pee on.
Try crate training them. Leave them in a crate while you are at work and then let them out when they get home. Dogs generally won't pee if they are in a cage.
He needs an outdoor area. Actually puppies dont do well when ppl are gone all wont stop if he is alone that much.
I know my puppy (3 y.o., but I call him puppy) only has about a 1 hour span where he is "pee pee clear" or "safe".

I take him out, he goes, then he's got 1 hr.
If he doesn't want to go again in 1 hr, or I take him out %26 he won't go, I put him in his or my room (with a nice blanket, heater, water, etc.) %26 close door. He barks a little once in a while for a minute or if it's the first time, maybe 5 min but then he will get used to it %26 know if he didn't go, he can't be loose.

After 2 hrs or whatever, I get him out of room %26 if he pees, he's free again. good luck %26 kiss them a lot.
Kill it. (I hate dogs anyways)
get those puppy pads and when they go, hold them under it so they know thats where you want them to go and then you just throw them away when they are done.put them where its o.k. for them to go and then start early putting it at the front or back door to train them to go outside inless you plan on buying the pads from now on and its kindof like a pups litter
kill em - there problem solved
puppy pads in the create at first then move them in spots in the house and they treat it like the grass outside
You are probablly setting a bad example for them while you are home. Straighten up, dud!!
The 2 yr old is training the new puppy, and both of them are training you. if you don't train them. your home will smell like a pisspot. They can't pee every where if they can't get every where. Stop giving them access to the entire house while you are at work.

When you leave the house, put them in a play pen or section off a very small part of a room with a child safety gate. Place food and bedding in one section and newspaper in another. As they learn to paper train, increase the sectioned area to a few feet. and then room by room. When you come home, feed them and then take them outside the house so they can pee. You will need to teach them using a word association and reward system. This is a slow process, but if you are at work it's the only way of keeping your home in order.
Your 2yo is still too young to have the run of the house while you are gone. Would you leave a preschool child home alone? The JR needs lots and lots of exercise. When you think you have walked/played it some more. Dogs like routine and they need a job also. Walking with small pack etc.
If you can catch them doing it, this is a good method: wipe up the mess with a paper towel, then take the dog and the wet paper towel out to the yard, or the area you WANT him to use. Then lay the paper towel down and let him smell it. No pushing noses into it, no matter how much you want to! Then use a command word like "go potty", and be consistant about it. Every time you take him out to pee say "go potty" and take him to that spot. He will get the idea eventually that THIS is where he pees. Be patient. Housebreaking is alot easier on everyone when the cooler head prevails. I have trained 3 dogs this way, and I know it works!
Good luck!
chain them to a tree until they learn

my pregnant mouse?

my mouse is pregnant i can tell i can actually feel them in her. well i was wondering wen she is going to be due. she was a really small mouse she was still a baby. she is only a little bit bigger now %26 her tummy hang down abit.i can see her teets through her fur. so does anyone know how long til she will have them?
Pregnancy lasts an average of 3 weeks but can be tended as much as 10 days longer.
Litter sizes average 10-12 pups, though it is not unusual for a male's first litter to be smaller in number.
Litter sizes decrease as breeding females age.
It is wise not to disturb mice for the first 2-3 days after giving birth. Pups are usually weaned at about 3 weeks of age.
The female resumes her breeding cycle 2-5 days after her pups have been weaned.
probably soon, they only take three weeks to be born and have more mice
You look mad..why you are rearing a Mice??Aren't you afraid from Plague?
19-21 Days. But the real concern here is how did she get pregnant and what are you gonna do with the babies? Mice mature and reproduce quickly and with babies of both sexes in one contained area, you're gonna need a plan or you're gonna have a problem on your hands.
aww dats so cute . but dont be touching the mice while shes pregnant dats not good .. jus keep it clean .. n do not touch the babies cuz shes gonna eat it if they like humans
Usually you only start noticing the pregnancy during the last week of it, so I would say about a week from the time you noticed.

My pregnant hamster isnt eating or being very active. Should I be concerned?

They usually do this before they have babies. My pet ratties did it before they gave birth. They just start getting ready to go into labor. Call the vet if you feel insecure about her health.
yes.. go to ur veternarian!
no it's normal. my sister had hamsters and they only died because she left the father in the cage, and when he ate the babies the mother just sat in her "house". finally she died of depression.
wow. just because hampsters r small and chaep doesn't mean they r easy 2 bread. u abviously don't know enough about them.
I think it's fine she is not active I mean she is preagnant! but u should see a vet about her not eating. If she doesn't eat that is not healthy for her babies!
how pregnant? she could be getting ready to deliver they stop everything when delivering even going to the bathroom watch she doesnt eat them by mistake
my hamster has babies and just lyk humans u become more tired but monitor the food and water because they need tht to survive
i think its normal,but talk to ur vet just to be safe

My pregnant guinea pigs vagina is bleeding?

She is ready to give birth in about a few days. Her vagina is bleeding. What is this from. And is it bad
she will bleed when she is ready to give birth just make sure u clean it up . good luck
take her to the vet !
I HIGHLY suggest that you call a local vet and ask them.
If you call most vets will tell you yes its bad and get your animal in ASAP..or no and why its okay.

my potbelly pig is pg how long befor babys come?

The gestation period for a female potbellied pig is 3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days or 112 to 115 days. You will know your pig is pregnant if she does not come back into estrus/heat at her normal time. If you are not sure how far along your pig is you may want to have the vet perform an ultrasound.

As she gets closer to having the babies her belly will get bigger and her teats may drag the ground. This is fine as it will toughen them up. You see, piglets have very sharp teeth. At about 4-5 days before birth, her vulva will begin to swell. You will also see a milk line form along the teats and she will start getting restless and nesting. If there are other pigs or animals around you will want to move her into her own pen and have a farrowing box ready for the piglets.

The size of a litter can very in potbellied pigs. There is no set number of piglets. The number of piglets can be anywhere from 1 -12.

Here is a list of things you will want to have on hand:

* Goat's milk (just in case there is a piglet that has to be hand fed. Fresh is best, but canned will do.)
* Polyvisor baby vitamin with iron (1 drop on tongue when they are born as all pigs are born iron deficient.)
* Rubber gloves in case you have to deliver one that gets stuck (usually they don't)
* KY Jelly, Rags, Scissors (sharp for cutting only the extra long cords)
* Alcohol Iodine (dip the cords in them immediately at birth to stave off infection from dirt getting up the cord)
* Med Cup (good to put iodine in and then tip on cord)

It is best to let nature take it's course and some mother's prefer to be alone. If she knows you are watching this can hamper things. If you happen to catch her having them pull up a chair and just watch. Nature pretty much takes care of everything. You are there just in case something out of the ordinary happens. The babies hit the ground running.

More on care of her and newborns>
Pigs gestation period is 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days from the day she was bred. And of course they usually have them at 3 in the morning. At least ours did. Have fun piglets are great!

my pony has ulsars on his lips and gums. i have never seen any thing like this before. can any one help me.?

my pony is a 3yr old shetland stallion and live out with 2 other meres which have no signs of this.
Wounds in the mouth heal very quickly and have a low infection rate. Ulcers can be caused from trauma to the area,,,like one of your other mares kicking him. But having more then one ulcer can be a sign of some type of illness and this is just a secondary condition. You need to phone the vet and keep him away from the other mares. If he is having trouble eating you might want to make that emergency call to the vet but otherwise make an appt. and get him out. Dont be appling medications to the area for this could be hazardous to your stallion. I dont understand why ask this question here when a simple phone call to the vet can advise you over the phone til he gets there. Plus, to accurately help you I would need to ask you more info. on the pony. Good Luck and be careful what you read on here.
Kill it
Its odd if he has them but not the other animals in his field. For today, bathe them with 1 teaspoon salt dissolved in 1 pint water to clean them, then on Monday ring the vet.
Call the VET NOW. We are not vets and your Ponies health is at risk if you listen to us
wash the ulsars in warm salt water..then if u want go to the store and get the product called " Ulsar Ease " (you can find it at any drug stores(you might need to get a few bottles)) and pour that on the ulsars that will take away any pain from the ulsars for about 2hr. (i have 2 horses so i wouldn't lie to you) then repeat that until the vet can come out
call the vet out. Do not listen to anything said here .
Check the field - it sounds like he chewed something he shouldn't have. Some plants can 'burn' and will cause ulceration. Or it could be some old batteries someone threw away.
that sounds horrible, but it is strange that it is only him that has them. get the vet!!
I would also advise getting the vet, are you sure they are ulcers, could they be sarcoids??
it could be a result of the teeth rubbing on the gums/cheeks. you can check this theory by CAREFULLY running your fingers along the outside of the teeth, feeling for any sharp or rough bits.

failing that, it could be a reaction to something he ate. I would treat the sores/ulcers as others have suggested, with warm salt water. If they heal and do not reapear then it is likly to be something he ate. But if they do not heal or reapear, it is worth while gettin a vet to check him out.

Hope all goes well
what beanie said, this is a problem don't call a vet call a dentist, you need its teeth checked out as fast as poss or the horse's condition will get worse!
yeah get a VET
has he possibly grazed over a fence where they have fertiized

my pommies peeing in the house help me?

crate train crate train crate train

also have a vet check the dog for medical problems like bladder infection

if you are training the dog correctly and consitantly it should take less than 1 month assuming the dog is between 3 and 6 months of age. (younger is too young and older may take longer to retrain)

crate over night - let out to pee first thing - you MUST go out with the dog and offer it a soft treat reward INSTANTLY so it knows the reward is for peeing outside
then in for breakfast and out to run and poop - again you MUST go out too with the treats

the key is to always offer an immediate reward
when inside keep the dog on a leash so you can always see it and if not then put in the crate - NEVER use the crate for punishment
Toy breeds are almost always difficult to housebreak. It is so easy for them to sneak behind a chair or under a small table, and it takes only a few seconds for the deed to be done. The results can be hard to see. When you don't see it, you don't correct it -- and so the bad habit becomes established. If you hope to housebreak a toy breed, consistent crate training is mandatory. Pomeranians should not be loosed in the house for many months, until their small internal organs become strong enough for reliable control.

Go to this site for more info

My pincher dog keeps peeing on my cloth, couch.When before he never did that..Why?

He was potty trained, but he keeps doing it
I agree that your dog may have some issues if there is anything new in the house - people, plants, furniture.

Go one step further - has anything changed in your dog's life or routine? Different schedule, new person, different food?

Has anything strange been spilled or in contact with that couch?

If the answer is no to all of the above, and assuming, of course, that your dog has been given the opportunity to do his business outside, your next step should be to take your dog to the vet to rule out a medical problem.

How old is your dog? Just like people, a dog's bladder loses strength with age, and they need out more often.

If your vet clears your dog medically, you might want to seek help from a professional trainer to find out what's up.

Good luck!
he probably has a urinary tract infection, and the vet will be able to tell and clear it up
Is he nuetered? If not he needs to be because hes marking his territory
Has anything "new" come into the house? New furniture, new animals, new people..etc. Some dogs dont do well with "change". and a way to 'deal' with that, is by marking their territory. (by pee'ing around the house.)
It could be "dog anxiety". If your routine has changed or his. Also, like the others have said, did anything new come into the house?

My pet the armadillo has a headache. should i give him tylenoL?

how do u know that? did he tell u he had a headache? that is sooo funny
How do you know he has a headache
No. That could be trouble.
give it a break from you . its headache will go
No. But he can give you leprosy.
how do u no it has a headach and NO its would probably be WWWWWAAAAAAAYYYYYY to strong
Here's a simpler solution: make a stew.
How do you know it is a headache?

You shouldn't give human meds to animals without consulting a vet.
First, find out what's lethal and non-lethal for an armadillo. It would be an interesting Web search.
just go to the vet!
stop hitting the poor thing in the head! and wow it's head ache is gone.
If you do make sure no animal lovers know about it. They will make you feel very guilty for trying something made for humans on animals. Try to find some kind of pet medicine in
PetsMart - what work for a dog shouldn't kill an armadillo.
and did your armadillo tell you he has a headache or are you psychic??
Aspirin will not hurt it. Did it tell you that it had a head ache?
Your Question gave me headache. So stop asking question to your pet .. Then he /she will be OK
how do you know it has a headache,,,,did it tell you??
Down where I live your pet would be a pest. They stink, their dirty, and their dumber than a rock. They burrow holes under concrete slabs, and tear up peoples lawns.
I love animals, but an armadillo is useless. I would shoot it, make some stew out of it, and get a more suitable and normal pet.
Tylenol is not good for the armadillo liver, I would suggest demerol, if you can't get him to swallow the pill, you can shoot him up with it.

my pet tarantula Willow, is losing weight, her abdomen was huge a year ago, I feed her the fattest crickets.?

When I got Willow as a rescue tarantula from her previous owner who was going to turn her out in a climate she would not have survived in, she was huge. I feed her crickets about 2 weeks, I can't stomach giving her those pinkie things, makes me SICK! What else can I feed dear Willow that will help her gain. I know its almost time for her to molt and shed her old skin too. Do they lose weight then? What else would she enjoy eating besides crickets?
they will stop eating near their maulting period, after the mault keep an eye on her.
If your tarantula is getting ready to shed, she will quit eating for several weeks prior to the molt. This will help her slim down and be able to shed her skin more easily without getting stuck. Don't attempt to feed her after the molt until her fangs are black and shiny, which means they have dried out and hardened, ready to use. This can take several days to up to a week. A tarantula requires weekly feeding. Depending on the size, a single cricket a week should suffice. If she's a giant tarantula, it could take five or more. Tarantulas will also eat meal worms and like a change in their diet once in a while.
I had a male desert tarantula, right off a road in New Mexico, my brother thought he'd bring me a present, I didn't really what it but I didn't want it to die neither. I fed it whatever I could find in the yard that wouldn't kill it. His favorite food was caterpillars. And about a year later he's butt got smaller and he stopped eating then he died, even through he always had food, water and somewhere to hide in his tank.

My pet rock Peter is now getting older and turning into quite a boulder. Should I be worried about erosion?

Dont worry Im an expert on thesse things.

I personally have three pet rocks (I know a lot of hard work. But I take time off for those thing. They are important to me)

Smudge the big one once suffered from "Pebble syndrom" he began to form into pebbles (thats the day I realized 'he' was a pregnet 'she'.

Thimp and bump are getting quite large too. I would just give them a tummy rub every other day and let them sit in the sun.

If you need any further help with your pet rocks Email me.

Hope I could help,
you are actually very funny!
has he worked out that cross dressing thing?
Absolutely, that would be horrible!
How long has it been since he was a "rolling stone"?
roll em around for a while, he'll be alright.
Poor Peter. I tell you what, find yourself a nice small pebble and start over again.
Maybe you should feed him some FRUITY PEBBLES..I hear it will help him grow up to be strong and healthy..lots of vitamins and minerals.
There are drugs he can be put on to keep from eroding. you just have to make sure you don't over-do it and get him stoned.

No. It builds character in a pet rock. ;)
Only if you leave him out in the rain and frost a lot.
I suppose he will die just like the rest. lol
Naw, he'll be fine. You should be worried that he may roll over and take a terrible fall, which could cause him to be bedridden. Make sure you keep him away from any high ledges!
Haha.Its funny cause I have a pet rock named Gina..
keep him away from elements that would cause such erosion,,wind,water,etc..may he live long and proper
That's too stupid! Thanks for the 2 points.
. wow stfu
No, just let him be. Maybe someday he'll grow into a big, strong, paperweight.
LOL, That's funny sh!t right there.but to answer your question; just keep the water pressure low during bath time and he'll be fine.
please run him to the doc!! make sure he is just laying around all the time, because if he isnt something is wrong! but first and foremost get him the doc, we cant have erosion eating at him! lol!
Has he been leaving pebbles?
okay.and ppl call me strange
Naw, you're never to old to rock and roll!
only if you leave him in the rain
You might want to take it to a geologist. Rocks get smaller as they get older, not bigger. Have you let it out or did it ever escape on you? You might want to consider the fact that Peter might be a girl.

Wow, in a couple more years you might have a litter of rocks.
only if you put him in the rain.
of course

My Pet Rock Has Been Hanging Out With a New Rocks NextDoor!?

My pet rock has been hanging out with a bunch of other rocks nextdoor there r 3 girls and 5 boys and all she does is talk about hanging out with them having parties and going on dates with the youngest rock i mean she wants them to live with her how do i make her change her mind and worse of all shes teaching her friends how to sneak into our house and how to brake in i mean shes becoming out of control she wont listen and when she comes back from mudding with her friend si tell her to take a bath and then go to bed but she mouths off and curses and then just goes to her room and listens to rock music i cant get her to listen to me HELP!
aww how awful the same thing happeed to my petrock i sent it to a science camp to study other rocks but that didnt work in the end i sent it too military school n got a new pet rock i visit the other one on sundays my first pt rock is now beginning to behave good luck babe xxxx
Wow..u need to get a life!
better watch out they might get stoned
Well, rock on!
LMAO. Maybe you should *stone* her.
you better get control of your pet rock before its too late. before long she will be stumbling in late drunk and pregnant.
LOL..that's cute.
Sounds like you're 'between a rock and a hard place.'
Military school in Palestine. They need a lot of rocks to fight against the oppresive Israel state.
You have a problem, you are also a nut case.
i have the same problem just put a piece of paper over the rock they hate that .dont try scissors thou becouse you will lose the fight.
What you pet rock needs is a trip through the brothels of eastern Poland. Sell the services of your pet rock to you local Russian mob contact for about 6 months. You'll net a healthy profit to buy another pet rock to raise properly while your current pet learns the value of following orders from its superiors. After the 6 months have expired your pet rock will come back will trained and probably thinner. You should have no problem laying down the law then if behavioral problems persist.
Throw her through a window . that will teach her!
Sounds like you need to hang a pail of water over your pet and let it drip, slowly.
I guess that your rock is just a chip off the old blockhead.
Tell her she can have her friends over to your house so they can be properly supervised. Casually leave a hammer and a container of sand where they can see them as a deterrent to bad behavior.
Well is sounds like your little girl needs help. Maybe some councling or somthing. They way it sounds is your baby girl dont want to be your baby any more. WIch is good to a point but the breaking in is a problem. You can teach her a less by next time you here the kids comming in you can call the police and say you think someone is breaking in!! She is your kid i mean "rock" you are not suppose to be its friend you are suppose to be the parent!!
Tell her that if she doesn't "rock" it off soon - her punishment will be to work in a gravel pit!!
Send her her crazy to a high secerity rock garden for a couple of days and if that does make sand out of her. Good Luck . oh by the way theres a really good rock by my house if you need help finding one . i sent my rock there. she was going and getting stoned every night breaking windows and throw her slef at people in thrid world countires but now shes much better she still launchs herslef at people from thrid world countroes but hey nobodys perfect.
Get a life. Really.

My pet rock has been hanging around with some questionable gravel and stone that just moved next door.?

How can I teach him to not show off his granite-like muscles and to stop telling all his new friends that they are as dumb as a box of rocks? Should I keep him in his room? Should I have him ground up into grade three modified?
You must ground him immediately. My first pet rock was always hanging around with stoners and became totally brain dead! It got to the point where I had to throw Aaron into Lake Superior, just out of frustration. He started chanting the mantra "Yo.daddy-o, just hang and chill dude" over and over with this horrid, gravelly voice. It got so freaking annoying. Don't make the same mistake I made.
Spank his little butt!
Tell him unless he behves it will be the crusher for him
Maybe he's trying to start a rock band?
Considering pet rocks should be in their early thirties by now, I would think you should cut the apron strings and let him be his own mineral.
Dear Curious,

I think you have raised hoim as best you can. As long as he is not getting "stoned" and bringing home and trash in the gravel friends.

Love the question!!
You aren't saying why this gravel and stone is questionable. Are you sure they are bad rocks? Maybe you can go meet them and decide first before you make him go to his room.
Find him a girlfriend to show off his granite to.
Wow, you have a lot of imagination!
punish him by putting him in the pond with the rest of the unlock pet rocks.
put him on the kitchen table and smash him with a hammer
Nope, he's a chip off the old block.
It sounds to me that you deserve gold or diamonds, and you have out lived your pet rock stage.
Keep your eyes peeled he could be a stoner
Well there goes the neighborhood! At least it's not a stick family.I hate it when sticks %26 stones mix, you know the old saying about that!?! anyway back to disciplining your unruly rock. Put him in the corner and use him as a paperweight.nothing works as well as humiliating your young ones.
hay! look around for some good looking rocks for your pet rock to hang with then he/she will leave the gravel and Stone alone. PS hope it works out for the best.
That is soooo funny. I laughed so hard when I read this. Really funny responses too. Thanks for the humor, I really needed that after the week I had.thanks again! :P
Wait. is he your pet or your child?

If he's your pet, you better get him neutered or you're gonna end up with a lot of pebbles on your hands. And you don't want to be throwing a sackful of unwanted pebbles into the river, for goodness' sake.
I would put his face in the rocks and then tap his nose with a couple blades of grass then lock him outside in the yard for couple days. He will behave himself.
stop with the pet rock questions already! their freakin annoying!

my pet rat keeps biting the other rat in the cage. except splitting them up what can i do?

let them fight
Sounds pain full. I've never been bittern in the cage before
Did you indroduce them first? They need up to a week introduction on a couch or bed before putting them in the cage together. If you did do that, the old one will have little scruffles to show dominance. But you need to slowly introduce them.
You'll have to split them up or they'll end up killing each other!
You probably have two males. Split them up or pull their teeth.
The only thing you can do is separate them or the one will kill the other one.
Get rid of them both, They freak me out
First you have to introduce the males to eachother in a roomy place none of them have been before. If you don't usually let them spend time on the kitchen floor you can use this. Put both or on the floor and watch them. Be sure to do this an evening that you want to spend at home.

You could also use a new or totally cleaned out cage. It is important put in both males at the same time. If you put in one first and the next after as little as ten minutes you may have a big fight on your hands.

To be sure they don't have a reason to fight both rats can be bathed with a perfumed shampoo, to smell the same.

If they do not go on fine together there is probably something wrong - then you should neuter the most aggressive male or both.
Rats are meant to live together in big hoards, and the normal rat behavior is not to fight as long as there is enough space and food and so on. Males bond to eachother and may become close friends!
You will have to split them up now before its to late
well you could feed it or make it wear a muzzle or put it on the naughty step
. . . which part of the body is the "cage"? - I only ask because my Shih-tsu keeps biting my teddy-bear in the backside . . .
Rats should only be kept together if they are the same sex and from the same litter. They are sociable animals and enjoy company but if one of them was introduced later then they will fight!
please seperate them if they are not.
Bear in mind they do play fight and though they look serious, often they are not. My two male rats playfight alot but they are brothers and have never seriously fought.
Good luck with them
apart from splitting them up you could try buying a much bigger cage so that they can get away from each other if they want to. My rats are brothers but occasionally Bodger decides to bash his brother up. However the cage is 3 feet tall and 3 wide with several levels on, with lots of tubes, tunnels, and hidey places so the other just gets away until Bodger has calmed down again. They never have serious fights . If they did, I would seperate them. They cuddle up together and sleep all the time. Just Bodger gets a little moody sometimes.
u will probably have to split them..sometimes they just cant get along.
If it doesn't draw blood, fighting is fine. If it does draw blood, take the bitting rat to the vet, it may have something painful making it irritable.
I've got pet rats, and what they will do is the one who started the fight will get the other to lay on it's back, to tell him that's he's the boss. All you have to do is take the rat that started it out the cage and in your hands turn him over. That shows the rat your the boss.
When you say biting, how hard are you meaning? If they are drawing blood, or screaming really loudly and also wrestling around fighting, you will probably have to separate them. Some rats, especially males, simply cannot get along. Though it is preferable for rats to have a cagemate, if they don't get along with other rats, they can do fine on their own provided they get a lot of human interaction.

If they aren't biting each other very hard, or aren't squabbling at all, just little nips here and there, it's probably okay to leave them. They are most likely trying to figure out who is dominant, and once they get that all sorted out they will calm down.

If they are males, neutering them can help curb these aggressive tendancies.
Move the cages further away from each other! maybe keep it away from that cage!
The general rule is "no blood, no foul"

As long as nobody is bleeding, let them work it out. Do not, under any circumstances, put your own hand into the cage to break it up! If you have to use something, a piece of cardboard can help to separate them, but I use a spray bottle filled with water and give them a couple of squirts.

Two of my boys were really aggressive, fighting, screaming, bullying the others, and when I got them neutered it completely changed them. They are sweet squishy ratmen now, well mannered and friendly. They also do not scent mark and have no buck grease.

If your rats are boys, I suggest neutering them. It is a perfectly good solution to your problem, and will benefit them in the long run. If they are girls, try the squirt bottle. In either case, check out . It's the best forum for rat owners and a lot of great people have all the advice you could ever need.

My PET Rat Is Covered In Open Sores & Scabs, What Could This Be? Cancer?

his name is itchy and he 4 years old
most of his backside is covered in scabs
its been going on for about a month
he apprears to be in no pain but i am concerned
any ideas on what this could be?
Well, part of it is probably his age. He's very old for a rat, so you must take excellent care of him.

It's probably a parasite or allergy. Have you recently changed his bedding or cage cleaner? If you haven't changed his bedding, you might want to think about switching to a more hypo-allergenic type of bedding. I use CareFresh Ultra (the white kind) and my girls seem to like it more than anything I've used. It's also easier to see what's dirty.

I know my dog (15 year old Yorkie) has problems with irritated skin if she isn't bathed often enough. He's probably slacked off in his grooming as he's gotten older like many rats do so maybe it's a skin infection from poor hygiene. Gently wiping him with a warm, damp washcloth might help and it would probably feel nice too.

Does he have any cage mates? Rats are known to sometimes get a little overzealous when grooming others, so maybe his buddy took it step beyond barbering to straight up skin irritation.

You should definitely get him to a vet because if nothing else the vet should be able to give you some type of cream or ointment to put on the wounds to keep them clean and not as sore. Also make sure he's getting enough water because dehydration could make his skin condition worse. I've heard apple sauce is good for rehydration, but you could also try sugar water or a little juice (not orange juice though, something in the peel can harm male rats and it gets into the juice from the squeezing process; try apple).

But don't worry about cancer. Cancer doesn't cause open sores, I don't believe.
He could have a bad skin condition. He is a rat but if he's a special little friend to you you should take him to the vet.
My hamster was like that for about 6 months before she died. She had cracked skin and was losing all of her hair. She had a lot of scabs as well. I looked it up and the website I went to said it can be caused from old age, or a skin infection. I can't remember the name of the site, but it said it did not cause them any pain.
It's probably a form of a mite. Like the mites on a dog is called mange. We had that problem with our guinea pig. It was so itchy, dry flakey skin and scabs. At the vet they took a skin scraping and looked under the microscope. He even let me and my kids look at what was crawling. Itty, Bitty, Tiny little mites. We had to give it three doses of a liquid med. It cured it.
My suspicion is mites/lice. They're hard to see with the naked eye, and you may need a microscope to see them well. A vet does a skin scraping -- a sample of dander and anything against the skin. Your vet can verify what the problem is.

Other causes can be -- contact dermatitis, food allergy, extremely high protein in a sensitive animals
He is old for a rat! You must love him a lot!
Try taking him to a good exotics vet %26 they should be able to help him. :)
have him checked by the vet for fleas or mites

My pet rat has a rash, how can I give him some relief?

I have many pets but I have recently aquired a rather sweet but aged former lab rat. He is really friendly and even my dog likes him, they hang togeather like old friends, but this rat has a terrable rash and he often looks like he is in pain. I have taken him out of his cedar bedding and put him into some recycled newspaper instead. I think He was allergic but is there anything I can do for him to help him heal faster?
Did he get a rash from something they did to him in the lab? If you don't think so, here are two ideas.

1. Rats can get irritate skin from too much protien in their diet, usually too many sunflower seeds in the mixed food. That makes them itch like crazy. If he is on a rodent mix food, I would switch him to pelleted rodent chow and use the mixed food as a treat.

2. If the rat is a male, he may have a secretion on the skin of his back that is sort of orange and has a musky odor. That is normal and due to male hormones.

You could give him a bath using some very mild shampoo, then dry him good and don't let him get too cold after the bath. They catch cold very easily. I would not try putting anything on the rash, since he will probably lick it off.

Here are two helpful links on rat care.

Good luck with your little friend:)
Robatussin, when you run out put some water in the bottle and shake it up and bam more tussin.
put a hammer in his head
dont like r a t s
Feed him 2 my snake then he wont be feelin any more pain
well its good you took out of the cedar bedding cause that's not good for any animals..we have hamsters and a guinea pig and we use Care Fresh bedding.i would call your vet and see what they have to say.Good Luck
take it to a vet.
try a little bit of polysporin or something that is non toxic, so if it licks it off it won't kill em.
Eez hamster!
Benadryl will help if it is an allergy. A tiny portion of a drop of the children's liquid benadryl should be sufficient. Mix it into something tasty like soft cheese. Don't worry about giving too much, he won't eat it if its too much and you can't hardly hurt them with benadryl.

Give him an oatmeal bath. You can buy these or make you own grinding oatmeal in a blender until its powder. Then dissolve it in warm water and bathe him in this like you would give a normal bath. The oatmeal residue left on his skin stops itching and won't harm him if he licks himself. Its also good for the skin.
Possibly bath him in a non allergenic substance, such as baby shampoo, gently immerge him once or twice, He will get frightened, swadle him and then maybe a drop or two of olive oil to moisten the clean skin.. be careful as it could be something more serious, and contagious.. and your health and the health of your dog should be thought about. best of luck.. :)
We had a pet rat, too and we loved him to bits - but sadly he is dead now.
BUT, I am really getting a bit upset about all the pet owners that ask questions on here when they should be taking the animal to the vet - especially if he looks as though he is in pain!
What makes you think that he has an allergy?
Take him to the vet and let the vet work it out. He will probably be able to give a cream that will sort out all the problems. Stop letting that animal suffer.
You should take him to the vet. We can't diagnose it accurately without seeing it, and he probably needs a professional since you said he looks like he's in pain.
Just a suggestion since you think he might have allergies: I've heard that you shouldn't use old newspaper for bedding unless it's just the newsprint paper without the ink. Some rats are allergic to the ink. I've never used it, though.
Please first start off by buying or checking out a book called Rats: Practical, Accurate Advice from the Expert by Debbie Ducommun. If you had done any research about rats before you got one then you would've realized that Pine and Cedar bedding is very toxic to rats. Please, please read that book or at least do some research and make sure the site you're reading is a reputable site.
Secondly, take him to the vet if something like this is happening.
I highly suggest going to your local pet store and buying some real bedding such as Cell-Sorb or Carefresh. The problem with newspaper is that it has the inks on it which can also be harmful to the rat as they enjoy chewing on things.
take him to the vet now .//////////////////
Well this is mainly for dogs but it might help.

My pet rabbits back suddenly began losing hair and now its like a huge bump/scab, like its rotting almost HELP

It happened in the span of like a week. There is no visible bone or anything, but it is bad. its eyes are beginning to become crusted shut, with like a cataract over it. I dont know whatb is happening. Maybe in a state of neglect, but i am there everyday and it is my pet. I have another one and it is fine. Please give any help what so ever
It sounds like possible Mange or even ring worm. I had a kitten once that had ring worm and she was covered in these yellow crusty scab thingies. If its mange take it to a vet asap, because that can spread to your other pets. it might even be a bite, from an insect or an animal. Whatever it is, take your rabbit to a vet as soon as you can.
don't look
My advice.see your vet ASAP!
Rabbits are rather sensitive to many things. This sounds like a contact allergy. If you have added a new type litter or fodder or anything like that or bathed it with a new soap that could be the problem. I'd take it to a vet right away even if you think something new caused it and remove that.
Mine is too It is outside and getting cooler. New hair is coming in and pushing old out
you should take him to the vet.. if you changed anything recently food, treats, litter he might not like it and be stressing out about it. It could also be that he has an infection of some sort. Nothing like this has ever happened to my rabbit but he lives in the house like a cat
look, I think that it might be some kind of infection or you can go and get a vet check up. I'm so sorry about the rabbit.
When I was a kid I had a pet mouse and the same thing you described happened to her and it ended up being a tumor . . . it killed her.

My pet rabbit is constipated and we need some advice.?

The vet gave us laxatives for him last year, but it isn't working. Does anyone know any other natural ways to help him? He is really miserable . Please help. NO smart answers please.
You can bring this question to the Yahoo group EtherBun and they might be able to help you there are a lot of rabbit owners on there. You can also check this website.
A safe way to relieve his/her suffering is to open her/his mouth and place vaseline inside. (A dollop on the end of your finger will do)
It's safe and non toxic.
Your rabbit should be regular within hours after consumption.
well if he will eat natural laxatives it might be better, try increasing his fiber intake. seems to work for humans, i dont see why it wouldnt work for pets. :) also look up what foods affect that kind of stuff the best, or herbs, i know rabits tend to eat leafy greens better, maybe there are some herbs out there with the same potential.
try infant glycerin suppositories, i know it sounds gross but it works pretty quick
codliver oil give it a tablespoon or if u have syringe same
This can be very dangerous. As we've all discussed in our past Q %26A's, a rabbit's digestive system needs to be well monitored. Alot of things could be going you give him petromalt or something like it? Intestinal you give him plenty of fiber? This doesn't include lettuce or celery.they have little nutrition.I'm sure answers following are going to give you exact ideas for things like oats %26 hay.most of our rabbit contributors are so well informed. But don't forget this could be serious.see your vet.
lettuce works alot of times.
try exlax
The laxatives that the vet gave you last year have probably expired which would explain why they wouldn't work. Is your bunny eating lots of hay, or has his hay intake dropped at all? This tends to be one of the largest causes for constipation (at least for my bunnies :) ). If he's been eating his hay just fine, I'd try giving him more fresh greens. One thing that you can give him would be just a little bit of cabbage (not even a quarter cup.just a few little pieces to nibble on).cabbage will cause diarreah in a healthy rabbit, because of it's laxative effect, so in a constipated bunny, it usually balances things out quite nicely! Hope it helps.if not, I would try a call to the vet to see if he/she has any other things you could try before coming in for a visit.
We've had two bunns who often suffered constipation, most usually while they were moulting heavily. Rabbits have very complex digestive systems - in fact, they have the longest digestive system of any mammal. So they're quite prone to digestive upsets and blockages, especially when they're moulting. Is your bunn moulting too? Whenever our six year old indoors Netherland Dwarf, Pookah, has this constipation, we treat him with unsweetened 100% pure pineapple juice - this always works really effectively for us and for other bunns we know too. We've also used catlaxative and paraffin in the past, but we've found that pineapple juice is SO much quicker and more effective, so much so that I've written an article on this at

Also try offering him all types of fruit and vegies that he's familiar with - apple and pear is usually pretty tempting to bunns. And, of course, hay is very important - try to tempt him with hay by tickling his nose with it until he becomes annoyed at you and grabs and chomps it! Be very careful, however, of lettuce and cabbage - both lettuce and cabbage can actually cause very dangerous bloat.

A related stomach problem - if his stomach's bloated or swollen, this is a sure and bad sign. If you think it's gas or a bloated tummy, you can also gently massage and rub his stomach to help his digestive movement, and treat him with anti-gas medicine for human babies, which contains simethicone, available from any chemist.

Whether he's constipated or bloated, you should gently massage his stomach to help him. And him moving around will also help his digestive system get moving, so allow him out into your house/room as he's accustomed to - if you can get him to move around, this will help his digestive movement.

Very best of luck, and please email me if you need more info - you can find my email address on my website :-)

My pet Pandas are not mating.! Should I show them blue movies ?

My pandas walk around eating and not mating.
Should I show them panda porn or something ?
Nah, they won't believe what they see on television. You need to go find a girl, bring her home, and demonstrate for them. ha ha.just kidding (or you can try it if you really want, but that's up to you.)

You should really tell your camel to hit on the female panda and your chimpanzee to hit on the male panda. The female will observe the male becoming "friendly" with someone else, and she will become insanely jealous. This will also happen to the male. They will both be so jealous of the other animals that they will become very possessive of one another so that they don't have to share. Then they won't have anything more exciting to do when in each other's company that they will mate.

Maybe the camel and chimpanzee will also "hook up" in the process for the same jealousy issues.

Best of luck!
Yeah why not. Are you sure they are "breeders"?
you cok boy get a book
better them some live if you ever get some.
I think you need to get out in that Australian sun a bit more mate!
Are you talking real pandas? The big black and white ones that are the logo of the World Wildlife Fund? If this is the case then . . .

Forgive my bluntness but WHAT IN HECK ARE YOU DOING OWING THESE AS PETS! These are CRITICALLY endangered species for one. Secondly, the are BEARS. They should NOT be pets or kept for your personal amusement,
Great idea, man!
dont hurry them. -_-..

and if they're a boy and a boy.

or a girl and a girl..

no further explanation required.

my pet nwet got out and we dont know where he is?

we have look for him but can't seem to find him what should we do. is there like a trap that will catch him because we don.t want him dead.
Not good Chris. My son had a newt, it got out and we found him, three days later . squished between the bed mattresses. Look for tight spots, where they tend to hide . (we know this NOW). You'll have to find him quickly . newts tend to dehydrate very easily. Good luck . I hope you find him.
All you can do is keep looking, drive around. Ask ppl, put up signs everywhere. Call your local animal control and theyll keep an eye out for him. He may even be at the pound.

I wish you all the luck in the world. Ive been there.
put up flyers for lost dog.n call the pound and shelters, you dont want no dog catcher getting him!! also go to all the places he likes and call his name.go to parks, fire hydrants, wherever you've taken him before.depends, how long has he been gone for? hey he might come back.or he might just be in ur backyard u neva kno..good luck though!! i hope u find him!!
whats that hell come back unless u trated him badly.

My pet mouse may have mites. What's the best [cheap] treatment?

I'm not taking a $2 mouse to a $40 vet. I'm looking for home remedies.
u said might--why do u think he has? u need to know for sure before treating him. do u see black specs on his skin? is he scratching a lot? here's a home remedy for hamsters--should work as well on mice. just substitute mouse for hamster.

1 pint of room temperature water
1 Tablespoon of Witchhazel
1 Tablespoon of Listerine (not flavored)

Apply the solution to the mite infected hamster externally with a washcloth or put the solution in a spray bottle and lightly spray the hamster while being careful to protect the eyes, nose and mouth. After you treat the hamster it is important to clean your hamster's cage and accessories thoroughly, change the bedding and spray the solution lightly in the cage and on the hamster's toys and accessories.

good luck! i wish him well!
First, read up and see if it DOES have mites.

If it does, find a mite/lice spray at your local pet store that can be used for small animals like mice.


(My joke for the day).

I wish you well..

throw out the bedding you are using, or microwave it in small doses about 10 secs before using it. Completely clean out the cage and all furniture and use a mild bleach solution.
Use an over the counter mite treatment.

Frankly, if you can't afford a vet bill on a pet..whatever that animal is or don't deserve a pet. It's still a living entity dependent on you for it's well being.

My pet monkey keeps misbehaving no matter how much I spank it. Is there another alternative?

Please help!
You could get arrested for spanking your monkey in public, so remember to do that in the privacy of your own home..
I agree that if he saw you choking your chicken, he might behave better.
well u should of dated him before getting married
Hello. Why are you spanking instead of training. Learn to distract them from the bad behavior. Reward them with good behavior. Remember, their brain is very intelligent. Treat your monkey as you would a small child learning manners.

Best wishes.
Didn't your mom tell you you'd go cross-eyed from doing that?
You should never ever hit a monkey. Monkey's tend to get much more aggressive as they age, epecially if it is a Male. The more you hit it the more aggressive it will get. If you have a cage such as a large dog crate try crating it when it misbehaves. What is it doing that you consider it misbehaving?
Twist it to the left. That always works.
You could go and choke your chicken instead. Slapping your salami is also a good choice. After seeing that, the monkey mave choose to behave.
CHOKE IT unconscious into submission
Anytime you spank your monkey OR choke your chicken.God kills a kitten.
I don't believe in spanking animals at all. You shouldn't be spanking your pet, but rather reward it for good behaviour, and show it other options, beside misbehaving.
Best of luck-

My pet mice?

So I had gotten two pet mice from a local Petco about a month and a half ago. The dark one was generally pretty scared of me, and the white the most curious little thing ever. Recently, the dark one has opened up to me and actaully jumps twords my hand if I put it in the tank. Well, my question. When I was hand feeding it a carrot slice from my salad mix my hand smelt like carrots after (Well, that's to be expected.). And the mouse bit me. Whatever. Washed my hands. Waited a few hours. Played with her for a bit. She bit me again. And ever since then (About a week ago), every time I pick her up she bites me. What's up with that, and how do I make her stop? Also. The white one, within the past week, has become less friendly and less able to handle. Just in the sense that she doesn't come to my hand anymore, and tries to squirm away if held. Neither of them have been hurt by a human, to my knowledge. So, I don't understand the sudden attitude change. Help, anyone?
Is one pregnant? Do you make sudden moves toward them and scare them? Is it a hard bite, mine did that sometimes? Just give them time to smell you and get used to you. They have short memories, so if you were gone or busy, they might have to get used to you all over again.
My mice would bite me as well. If you smell like foor, then you will most likely get bit. After washing your hands, if it still bit you then you may have a problem because mine never stopped. I hope it is different for you. Good luck.

My pet mice. I asked a few days ago, but didn't really get an answer.?

So I had gotten two pet mice from a local Petco about a month and a half ago. The dark one was generally pretty scared of me, and the white the most curious little thing ever. Recently, the dark one has opened up to me and actaully jumps twords my hand if I put it in the tank. Well, my question. When I was hand feeding it a carrot slice from my salad mix my hand smelt like carrots after (Well, that's to be expected.). And the mouse bit me. Whatever. Washed my hands. Waited a few hours. Played with her for a bit. She bit me again. And ever since then (About a week ago), every time I pick her up she bites me. What's up with that, and how do I make her stop? Also. The white one, within the past week, has become less friendly and less able to handle. Just in the sense that she doesn't come to my hand anymore, and tries to squirm away if held. Neither of them have been hurt by a human, to my knowledge. So, I don't understand the sudden attitude change. Help, anyone?
I know this sounds horrible. But, anything with teeth is going to bite. :-) My mice used to bite too. But, they're doing that because they're frightened and want to be left alone. If you want to tame them, don't leave them alone. Wear a protective glove to handle them, initially. Squirm or no squirm. Hold and talk to them for just a few moments. Then, give them a treat. Soon, the biting will stop and they'll learn that the "hand" is a good thing. Best of luck!
well, maybe the mouse thinks that you hand is a carrot, even though it doesn't smell like one.
I worked for a vet for 7 years and a large exotic pet store for 3 years and we could not easily sell pets that were unfriendly. If the mice are babies, they will stop eventually with very little prompting. But if they are full grown size it is slightly harder. I will probably get thumbs down for this.but it always worked for us.whenever we would get nipped we would "thump" the mouse on the tip of the nose. Not enough to hurt it.but to surprise it and direct it at the area of its body that was performing a "no-no." It usually only took once or twice. Then they were gentle as kittens. If we were to leave them alone and not socialize them and train them, they would have become snake food.Also, instead of a carrot, hand feed them sunflower the shell.
Problem is that when they bite you, you instinctively pull your hand away and guess what? Little mouse thinks hey I make the big human afraid of me. Do you have leather gloves that you can rub you scent on so that you can be protected from the bites? If you use the gloves and handle them, feed them, change their cages frequently the mouse will learn that she can not make you jump away, biteing dosn't work and should stop.
Hard to tell what goes on in the mind of a mouse. If she comes to you, she obviously doesn't fear you. Maybe she's still associating the smell of carrots with you from the time you hand fed it a carrot slice, and that's why she's biting you. But who knows?
You might want to take some clothing you have worn and put it in the cage. Thay will smell you while you are at work. I don't think there is anything that i know of that will make them stop bitting you. I don't know much about mice. I grow up with gerbals. If it gets to bad you might want to think about returning them to petco and exchanging them for another pair of mice or change to another type of rodent. I loved my geribals. Thay are very sweet. Thay show so much love. Another thing is you might want to think about getting baby mice or baby geribals. Babies will be easyer to train. And will put there trust in you after a day or two. I'm thinking about getting a pair myself. I wish you luck
Mice are skittish little creatures to begin with. Kudos to you for wanting to solve this dilemma. Depending on how you reacted (yelling "ouch!"), you may have scared her. If this is the case, give her time and allow her to come to you. Don't try to pick her up. Just gently rub her back with a fingertip until she gets used to your touch again.

She could also be cage aggressive. In my experience, I've never seen it, but it could be possible. If this is the case, lift her up using something like a tube (the kind they chew on) or even a coffee cup (don't force her into it or you may instill fear) and put her into your hand this way.

Never, and I mean never, physically correct an animal as small as a mouse. Unless you know exactly how hard you can do it, don't. I would never do this to any animal smaller than my fist.
that's just females for you female rodents tend to bite a fair bit, that's why i always get males

My pet Mammoth still tears up my yard and harasses the mailman what should i do?

give him a t.rex bone that will keep him quite for a bit.
a mammoth eh? Some people may be dumb. but not THAT DUMB
U could kill him, burry him and then pretend u found a mamoth's really rare fossil!!OH SUCH A GREAT IDEA!u could make millions, you know.
oh what..that loch ness swallowed killed a whale last week. i think im going to put him to sleep.
Throw him/her a dinosaur bone to keep him/her occupied.
well, is it in a cage??
Ok, listen carefully! you have to use tough love on him, sit that big S.O.B down and just remind him what happened to all of his relatives!! that should do the trick! (LOL)
Get a really big shock collar.or give him a Neanderthal to play with.
Threaten to shave him for the winter, that should get him back in line.

My pet is a toad, and I'm an adult, am I Weird?

His name is Peewee, cos he was so small when my daughter gave him to me. He eats crickets, bugs and worms. Do you think it's weird to have a toad for a pet? -especially since I'm an adult?
No, youre normal. Toads who eat insects are cool. Ive had many different pets in my life, and each one ive had educates me more. for example- crickets, roaches, praying mantises, cicadas, june bugs, mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, cats, dogs, fish, lizards, birds, spiders, ants, turtles, frogs, squirrels, hedgehogs, guinea pigs, ferrets, and crawfish.
It's not weird, but I bet he wishes you'd throw in a frito or cheeto every now and then.
No, as long as you have somebody to talk to.
Naw. I have a pixie frog, who eats mice. :)
Is your name Neville? If so, no.
NOPE, I think it's really sweet that your daughter gave him to you.. so nope!!
dats soooooooo cute!
No. Who says adults can't have frogs? And who cares anyway.
yes so weird go she a physchologist
No you're not weird. I am an adult and I have three guinea pigs and I love them like they were my babies. I play with them and cuddle them every day and when I come home from work they are happy to see me!
Defintely not weird. My daughter rescued 2 frogs from being dissected in college and had them as pets until they both died. They would only eat crcikets bought from Petsmart. We tried them on 'natural' crickets and they wouldn't touch them nor worms. My daughter had to buy cricket food as they wouldn't eat dead ceickets.
how can it be wierd to love any of gods creatures? is there an age when you are to stop showing compation for little animals? enjoy your little friend, :)
haha awww dat is so cute .. no ur not weird .. and the person who says yes ur is because he/she dont have one =P ..

My Pet hamster talks to me somtimes.?

she says stuff like "yo' momma' is soo fatt that she caused the next iceage". What can i do to make her stop?
This is a cry for help. Get a male hamster, put him in the cage with her, and give him a paddle so he can spank her for insulting yo mama.
Feed her a lot of heavy tranquilizers. I hate it when my cat mouths off, so its thorazine round the clock for her!
How about you give her to herself as a gift. That way, she will own herself, and one thing owning itself will cause a temporary black hole until that thing is gone ofrever

Or you could just put on a hamster muzzle and straitjacket

LOL ur so darn funny!
ill have two of whatever your taking. lol.
Get it on tape, you may win money!!
you watch to much doctor dolittle stop imaging and get in the real world please OH AND STOP POSTING STUPID QUESTIONS!! YOU'LL BE DOING US ALL A FAVOR
Who cares?
Well I can't help you there. But me and my dog discuss the topic of sex a lot, Coco also tells me that If I do have sex, that doggy style is the way to go. I love Coco.
get of weed

My pet Guinae pig won't let me trim his fringe unless I sing the french national anthem,Is this common?

His name is leone and he loves tapioca
he he he probably want to stay strong to his heritage
well, hes french then
Very common.
it is not at all comon, usually like the italian national anthem, that is weird, must be a new breed.
This is very common, Guinea pigs originate from France and so all have an in-bred love of the anthem.
Yes, there is a breed of guinea pigs who can only understand french, so keep up the good work
Some Guinea pigs are picky some just like songs others are just crazy but I'd say it is common because my Friends guinea pig peaches won't let any one pick it up unless you are humming a lullaby otherwise he bites!!
Very unusual, they usually like South American tunes.
i don't care if it's common it's pretty funny though!! hahaha!
thats weird! My cat won't let me groom it unless I place a small teacosy ontop of the vase to the left of the DVD player..They're little scamps arent they!
yes.guinea pigs seem to like songs.aha!! thats a funny one..
so cute!
The French national anthem is very common, especially in France.
Ah could it be that he comes from French New guinea and only feels at home when you sing him the French National Anthem.
Tapioca is a good food to give guinea pigs as it soothes their sensitive digetive systems. And you named him Leone obviously because of the French connection.
By all means sing then. Ugh.
Ah, you must have the rare Frenchett Guinea Pig. They are from France and have a strong desire of human food. It isn't at all uncommon for his type. But don't get another one of this kind, it will become unhappy.
You are very lucky to buy one, because it is very rare that stores recognize this type, and if they do they will charge extra for it.
no your guinea pig is a wierdo. i have one myself and he does not like to have his nails trimed, and tapioca is not good for guinea pigs, and guinea pigs did not originate from france! they come from south america, they eat them there.
I'm really not sure. Maybe it's just what he likes, or maybe singing calms him down enough so you can trim him.

my pet groundhog is always chasing crocodiles. How do I stop him?

Try a can of Raid crocodile repellent. However, it does not work on stingrays.
awwww.. how cute!
let him catch one
Maybe he needs new shoes. :)
You can easily stop him from chasing crocodiles by surrounding him with other animals that are of different types than a crocodile. So, surround your animal with a dog or a cat something more towards his kind before he gets eaten by the crocodile. :P
keep him it a surrounded area or let him catch one
Spray the croc with ground hog repellent..
help him catch one!

My pet gerbil has just gone up the hoover i can hear he's still alive but cant get him out what shall i do.

Send the neighbour's cat up after it. That should do the trick !!
throw the vacum out
Are you joking
take the hoover to bits till you get the poor thing out
put a ferret in after him know, I havent got a silly solution for this today lol! How did he get up the hoover? You know there are easier ways (and safer ways!) to clean our his cage dont you??! Sick puppy! ;O)
turn up the volume on the TV - Star Trek's on soon.
time to buy a new hoover
put some gerbil food down the hoover %26 his gerbil toys so he's not hungry %26 bored.
holy crap! Rip the thing apart! turn it upside down and shake it.
This is actually quite common. Now brace yourself, but I'm afraid you're going to have to face the fact that you will have to buy a new hoover.
o my that poor thing just relax and just start to take it apart be gentle you dont want to hurt it get to the hoover bag and empty it out and you will find it. it may need a very good wash too. r poor little gerbil e mail to tell me what happened,
take it apart. the hoover not the gerbil good luck
Take the bag off and let it crawl out, It can't get out if the bag is still connected.
empty the hoover n rip the bag apart
no poor hamster! put some choccie drops at entance that should coax her out
Call The Fire man !
I would grab the hoover and head for the vet"s
find a screwdriver and take the hoover to bits.
oh dear. take the hover apart CAREFULLY and see if you can locate him and get him out, if not take the hover to the vets and ask them to help. email me what happens, good luck, x
Open up the vacuum %26 cut open the bag carefully %26 get him out !
well if this was 4 hours ago.i'm thinking not much..what kind of fool does this anyway?say a little prayer for him..
I had this happen to our pet cornsnakes. They got out of their cage, not vacumbed up. As the other people have said, you will have to take the Hoover apart. My best help is going to be try to have another person to help hold the hoover whilst you try to locate the hamster. Get ready to catch it when you open the hoover. If you vacumbed any possible items that could hurt the hamster (as in glass, cat litter, anything that if the hamster nibbled on could kill it). Take the hamster to the vet if you are really worried. Otherwise goodluck and pray about it.
um set the hoover to blow then try and blow it out if not take the hoover apart and find the little devil and make sure its cage is secure but give it a little treat for not killing itself (hamsters can kill themselves with the right equipment)
shoot the hoover
I really hope that you are joking if not then dismantle your hoover its murder if you dont!!

My pet ferret has turned yellow?

Hi. My pet ferret has turned yellow due to the fact I accidentally added to much mustard to her breakfast this morning. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get her origonal colour back?.I have been trying bleach all day?
STOP USING BLEACH IMMEDIATELY!! Now follow these instructions carefully.
Firstly, gather the following items;
1 6ft length of 4x2,
1 20x12 inch piece of 3/4 plywood,
1 Frog,
250 Ladybirds,
3 4" nails,
2 2" nails,
Tube of superglue,
1 Torch.
Nail the plywood onto the end of the 4x2,(so it looks like a lollypop)with the 2" nails, then glue the ladybirds, shell side up, in a circle pattern at the top of the plywood, below that use 2 of the 4" nails to attach your yellow ferret, lastly, use the final nail to attach the frog to the bottom. Hey presto, you are now the proud owner of a Badger Traffic Light(patent pending) Now take it down to a wooded area and shine your torch on each colour for a few minutes at a time and look on with pride knowing you are saving the lives of innocent badgers.

New information;
Hi, scrap that idea, I've just found out that badgers are colour-blind! It'll have to be a Cillet Bang enema i'm afraid, best of luck!!
bleach huh you just probably killed your ferret and if you did your should be reported for animal abuse!!
How can you turn yellow from eating mustard thats just random
Sorry, can't stop laughing long enough to offer any useful advice.. Perhaps it would taste good in a sandwich with a slice of ham?
Thats dead sad u dont give them mustard for a a start i should no we breed ferrets u dafty mean what kinda person would give a ferret mustard wtf :S Need help you do! Poor wee ferret lyks..mean there was no need 4 this sick question either lyks.jus reli wrong
Try feeding it different combinations of English and French mustard, mixed with salad dressings, ketchup, last night's vindaloo and anything else you have in your kitchen cupboards.

Failing that, throw it in the washing machine on a 40C cycle.

For what it's worth, my friend had a ferret that turned a vile shade of yellow this one time. It happened after a night out on the town (the friend, not the ferret - it was stuck at home, tied to the kitchen sink), but said friend forgot to lift the seat up during his last visit to the toilet. That ferret just loved to sleep on the potty back then.
YOU GAVE YOU FERRET BLEACH . BLEACH WILL KILL IT .AND YOU DONT GIVE FERRETS MUSTARED EATHER. .if you love and care for your ferret than please get a book called ferrets for dummies it is the best book there is for ferret owers.If you dont than may be you should not have a ferret.
First off why are you using bleach! Are you trying to kill it! Bleach fumes are very harmful to your pet!!
A problem with chlorine is that it reacts with organic material to form trihalomethanes like chloroform, which is a well known carcinogen. Chlorine is a respiratory irritant. It also attacks mucus membranes and burns the skin. As little as 3.5 ppm can be detected as an odor, and 1000 ppm is likely to be FATAL after a few deep breaths. Exposure to chlorine should not exceed 0.5 ppm (8-hour time-weighted average - 40 hour week).
can cause severe respiratory distress!
Immediate Action
DO NOT induce vomiting. Give milk or water if ingested. If dermal (skin) exposure occurred, wash and rinse the hair coat thoroughly. Seek veterinary attention

Sodium hypochlorite, hypochlorite salts, sodium peroxide, sodium perborate, or enzymatic detergents.

Bleach, Clorox, and swimming pool supplies.

General Information
Household bleaches are generally mild to moderate irritants affecting the mucous membranes and esophagus. Animals rarely ingest enough bleach to cause toxicity and what they do ingest typically causes vomiting which limits the amount absorbed. The hypochlorite bleaches are alkaline resulting in alkali burns to tissues that contact it. Sodium perborate degrades to borate (see borate poisoning) and hydrogen peroxide which may irritate the stomach and cause vomiting.

Toxic Dose
Varies depending on source.

With ingestion, signs include drooling, vomiting, abdominal pain, and sore throat. The hair coat especially around the mouth and paws, may be bleached or smell like chlorine. If fumes were inhaled, signs such as coughing, difficulty breathing, or retching due to pulmonary irritation may be seen
Veterinary Care
General treatment: Large quantities of water or milk are administered.
try giving your ferret french mustard he may turn brown or soy sauce for light black
You didn't say what the original color was, but if mustard made your ferret turn yellow, try feeding it blueberries or rainbow trout.
first of all you just posioned yuor ferret and second NO MUSTARD third it wasn't the mustard i have three and a friend with an albino hers turned orange it is the water well it was for her. your best bet GO TO AN EMERGANCY PET HOSPITAL NOW like 2 hours ago they can tell you more but be ready to pay emergancy vets costs i know and make sure i is a ferret vet.
I'm really not sure which is more saddening and alarming: the number of people actually taking you seriously and responding accordingly or your level of boredom and ignorance to even bother posting such an obnoxious question.
use a spray paint

My pet elephant is getting too heavy for me to carry around.?

Should I put him down?
Psst..the correct word is "dog."
might be a good idea, you don't want to drop him
No way! Are you nuts? There's such a thing called a trolley! Put him down just because you can't carry him anymore? Shame on you!
make him lose a few pounds.
No shift over to your head. That is how he would be carried in the old country. Enjoy the view!
Put him in a trunk.
No , barbe q it
of coures who would didnt well it does not matter (do you really have one) fat
yes not sure where though
give him to me
Silly the elephant has a trunk let him carry himself.
Yes put him down then ride him
Why would you want to carry an elephant to begin with? I believe i would have been the one being carried from the get go!

My pet duck is constantly trying to take off and fly away? Help?

I want to help her by attaching miniature RATO (rocket assissted take off) pods on her flanks,you know like they do on overladen Herc transports in the army.Are there any manuals available on the subject?Disabilities should never be a barrier.
what r u thinking
i dont know buddy, but u pushed my answer down the list, jk but answer my questions, cuz im kind of having a war with my neighbor's animals and i want to know things about electronics like u do
thast wat i always say, its like my dumb neighbor who's trying to kill my dogs with his variety of animals, but thats not going to be a problem for long, my rhino is taking care of it as we speak
The first thing you do is get a roaster and potatoes and carrots season well and bake at a 400 degree oven until golden brown

My pet dog savaged my neighbours rabbit when they went on holiday?

I saw my dog hammering the poor creatures lifeless body against a tree in my back garden, it was covered in soil but I freed it from my dogs jaws, washed it, blow dried it, patted down its hair (to hide the teeth marks) and then put it back in it's cage.

Did I do the right thing?
blame the young halogens in your area.
Yes i think you did. If anyone asks you know nothing
yeah.of course you the way is the rabbit dead?email me
no you should have gotten rid of it and replaced it so kids hearts wont be broken
be truthful and tell them
No. You should've gone to the pet shop and bought another one.
That's horrible..and it will stay on your conscience for ever
omg no! you bury that one then buy an identical one for the replacement, they will never know!
this is an urban legend and you are a moron
er no! you should have told them your dog killed the rabbit. it happens after all. but then you can hardly admit it now can you lol. you see one lie leads to another lie etc lol hope they dont catch you out.
no you should chain your dog up and tell your nieghbour.
I didnt know rabbits liked water. hope you didnt use shampoo, the owner may smell the difference! LOL
u should buy to them another
No. You should've confessed and offer to buy them a house rabbit. You both learned a lesson: You shouldn't let yur dog out unsupervised, They shouldn't have an outdoor rabbit.
You should have either replaced it or told them what happend when they got back and offer to replace it or beg for forgiveness because they probably already know it was your dog
Yes they should never of left it alone they are very cruel your dog was using its instinct
god, huh?
%26 why can't U re-animate the poor thing?
ya nutter
No you most certainly did not, how come ya didnt film it and post the video on the internet ya selfish bugger, that sounds hilarious, like something of one foot in the grave or something, good man, a true british hero, give the dog a pat for me what a star
yep you did the right thing.. im sure ive seen the same thing on a sketch show or film.
Yeah Glenn Close. Whatever!

Do you have tickets for Madame Butterfly tonight and a light switch fettish too?

You may as well have broken into their home, put it in a pot of water and boiled it on their stove.

If I actually BELIEVED you. I would say that NO. you did not do the right thing and by the way. GOD, really should know better.

LOL. not sure, if the rabbit is ok now then you must have done the right thing but keep a eye on it because they dont cope with stress very well.
why on earth wasn't the poor thing in it's cage if they are on holiday? I think it will need to see a bunny counsellor if it survives. and BTW u certainly aren't God if ur photo is anything to go by. Remember, what goes around comes around.
You could try and say the rabbit started it by picking on your dog and your dog was therefore compelled to act in self defense.
Asuming this is not just a silly story then no you did the wrong thing. Even if you set aside that it is someones pet and they will be upset, you should still be honest. After all if i bumped your car when it was parked would you like it if I drove off without leaving my insurance details

I do however suspect it is, as suggested, an urban legend.
No, you should have taken it inside, skinned it, washed it, baked it in a pie and given it to them on their return from holiday. A great peace offering while not letting it go to waste :-)
No, you sicko!
NO, the right thing to do would have been to keep your dog under control. Seeing as it is too late now, the least you could do would be honest and tell them what happened.