Saturday, May 22, 2010

My horse is too much for me. but she sucs up to me in when loose?

She is increasing in attitude when I try to work with her. I finally admitted I can't handle her challenges. I am not experienced enough, and yet in when I go see her in the pasture, she follows me and nudges me with her nose. what does this mean
It means she has a general lack of respect. Work her hard on the ground where your safe until you gain her respect.

Clinton Anderson has a great DVD called "Lunging for respect"
That horse is in control. She has you eating out of the palm of her hand.
You just have to make her do what you want. Get someone with more experience to help you out. My sister's horse doesn't like it when I ride him so he attempts to ram me into poles and fences and other various objects but when I force him to move away from the objects, he evntually stops. Maybe she likes you but you aren't controling enugh.
take her to a trainer they can work with you and the horse together to correct the problem, right now she has got you trained , because you have let her get away with this behavior, go to a trainer get you both trained over and enjoy your horse,shouldn't cost that much
she thinks that she is in the top of the pecking order. You need to show her that your ARE boss!
Get copies of books by the author of "The Man Who Listens to Horses" because if he can't tell you what to do, nobody can.
What it sounds like you need to do is if you have lots of time got to some clinics and learn things to help you train your horse ! Clinton anderson is the best trainer i have ever seen .. If you dont have time then send her to a trainer . The first thing you need to work on is lots of ground work make her work with you off her and then when you get her respect then you can start to work with her riding . It is unbelivable to what a difference there will be if you start with lots of ground work !! She might not know what your asking her when your riding or she just might just not be acting correctly.
You are not in control. She lacks respect. Go take lessons and or sell the horse. You are headed down a dangerous road. VERY. I am a life long equestrian and horses are large and potentially deadly even a rustling leaf can set them off. You need to find articles that describe how horses think about humans. They are prey animals we are predators. Believe me you need to get help. I fell playing polo. To this day 10 years later my life is effected by my injuries
she knows she can get her way. u CAN handle her.u just have to believe u can. maybe get someone to train her, and u have to let her know that u are the boss not her. show her that she cant get her way. i have a mare (female horse) also and i kno how that is. just show her that u are the boss and keeping working on her. good luck and best wishes.
email me if u need anything else
She likes you ..if you just show her you are the boss, she will do whatever you want..
take her to a trainer or sell her. it's not fun to have a out of control horse. when a horse nudges you it either shows afection or is trying to make you submit. or they want something. i don't put up with it when my horse does it and she gets in trouble. not like big trouble i just tell her to stop. and if she doesn't stop she gets in more trouble. she shoved my friend into a stall door once and gave her a bruse. thats why it's not good for them to do that. they do it out of knowing they are in control. usually not because they like you and are showing it.
it means that shes the boss here and she knows it! Do you bring her treats when shes out in pasture? Most horses lick up to you when they know you have a treat in your pocket!
With this horse you have two options:
1.0 You sell her on to someone more experienced before either you or her get seriously hurt.
2.0 You go and get lessons from a professional who can pinpoint where your problems are and help you deal with them.

Often horses will take advantage of our weaknesses, theyre very sneaky that way - and once they know they have the upper hand it takes a lot of hard work to re-establish whos boss!!
I wish you luck with your horse, and if you DO decide to sell on theres a horse out there that will better suit you, if youre not that experienced an old school master or possibly a retired hunter or something similar may suit you slightly better, as would a horse would less blood breeding - draughts and heavier horses are often nicer tempermented than the likes of a thoroughabred

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