Saturday, May 22, 2010

My octopus has fever. Any advice on medicines?

Well Put him in a Boiling Pan add Salt and Spices,
Trust me Octopus Soup is Good.

and just how in the hel* do you know that you octopus has a fever?
batter him %26 fry will feel better
Administer very carefully. Don't let him get a leg up on ya.
I'm not going to ask what kind of thermometer you used.I guess you could put some ice in his tank to bring it down.Oh, just call the vet.
are you actually serious or ..? take some Tylenol!
Did you take his temperature rectally or suctionally?
give him an eight-in-one shot
In order to make him feel better, YOU need to run around in circles eight times, do some jumping jacks, run outside and find two roses, (they have to be red) put them in water, drive to the nearest lake and go for an hour swim, go home, take a shower, fry an egg sandwich, and then go to sleep..My guess, the thoughts of having an octopus with a fever by morning would of left your mind, then you will be able to actually ask real questions.

If this wasn't a joke, then Tylenol for the octopus every two hours switching with ibuprofen, that will help..Good luck!
MMMMmmmmm batter it then ,deep fry it and serve with taziki sauce and lemons. I love Calamari. =P

Here a some recipes.

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