Monday, May 24, 2010

my rabbit chews on everything how can i get hime to stop?

First off, xdogma and luther: please do your research before you speak. Rabbits are not rodents. They haven't been considered rodents for over a hundred years. Rabbits belong to the lagomorph family, and are actually more closely related to hooved animals such as horses and cows than they are to rats and hamsters.

Second, it's a rabbit's nature to chew on all kinds of things. You can use vinegar as a deterrent. There is also a product sold at most petstores called "Bitter Apple" that comes in a spray bottle. It tastes just like a bitter apple (as well as smells like one but the smell goes away as soon as it dries), that works very well to deter rabbits from chewing on things like cords. If you don't want to go out and buy some of this, and don't have access to plain white vinegar, you can use just a plain spray bottle with plain water. Most rabbits don't like to get wet, so water can work very well as a deterent.

My rabbits also tend to chew on cords, and they don't always respond to these methods. I've gotten to the point where all the cords in my house are hidden by furniture so that the temptation just isn't there. When all else fails, it never hurts to try to just hide the cords out of sight. Hope it helps!
Give it more hay and wood chews. They chew when they are bored.
you want it to chew. If you don't let it, then it's front teeth will be loooong, so get it a salt wheel, and flavored wood sticks. Or take it to the vet so often to get it's teeth clipped.
those first two answers are good ones.
Provide plenty of wooden chew sticks, and a salt lick for him or her in the cage.

I cannot emphasize enough how important this is, as a current rabbit friend has a major cut in his mouth due to overgrown teeth.

To stop it from chewing on other things, put vinegar on the objects you don't want him or her chewing on.
You can get "hime" to stop chewing on everything by taking a small hammer and knocking his teeth out one at a time.
its a rabbits natural behavior
Get a water bottle, and when he chews, squirt him. Or clap your hands. That works on my bunny.
All rodents need something to chew on because their teeth
grow so fast always give the rabbit some chew blocks to chew on
It's a rodent,it will chew.
Rabbits do naturally chew on things - this is why it's so important to keep electric cables and poisonous plants tucked far away from them. Keep all electrical cables tucked well underneath thick rugs or mats or cushions, or you can securely attach cables so they're running up high along your walls, where your bunn can't reach them.

Rabbits' teeth never stop growing, so it's natural for them to chew, to keep their teeth from getting too long - this is one of the reasons that hay is so very important - rabbits should have access to good quality hay 24/7, both for their teeths' health, and for their digestive health.

What's your rabbit chewing on that you want him to stop chewing? If he's chewing on your wallpaper or door frames or furniture, you can try placing plain brown cardboard boxes in front of these things while he's out in your room - he'll probably really enjoying playing with and chewing the brown cardboard boxes, and it will distract him from chewing your furniture/walls!

Have a read of these great detailed rabbit sites too - - my own site - please have a browse and enjoy reading!
You should bunny proof your house. You need to buy split loom cable from a hardware store and start wrapping wires in it. You can also buy a product called bitter apple or fooey and spray it on surfaces you don't want it to eat. You can try limiting the space your rabbit has access to with baby gates.
give him or her salt

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