Monday, May 24, 2010

my potbelly pig is pg how long befor babys come?

The gestation period for a female potbellied pig is 3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days or 112 to 115 days. You will know your pig is pregnant if she does not come back into estrus/heat at her normal time. If you are not sure how far along your pig is you may want to have the vet perform an ultrasound.

As she gets closer to having the babies her belly will get bigger and her teats may drag the ground. This is fine as it will toughen them up. You see, piglets have very sharp teeth. At about 4-5 days before birth, her vulva will begin to swell. You will also see a milk line form along the teats and she will start getting restless and nesting. If there are other pigs or animals around you will want to move her into her own pen and have a farrowing box ready for the piglets.

The size of a litter can very in potbellied pigs. There is no set number of piglets. The number of piglets can be anywhere from 1 -12.

Here is a list of things you will want to have on hand:

* Goat's milk (just in case there is a piglet that has to be hand fed. Fresh is best, but canned will do.)
* Polyvisor baby vitamin with iron (1 drop on tongue when they are born as all pigs are born iron deficient.)
* Rubber gloves in case you have to deliver one that gets stuck (usually they don't)
* KY Jelly, Rags, Scissors (sharp for cutting only the extra long cords)
* Alcohol Iodine (dip the cords in them immediately at birth to stave off infection from dirt getting up the cord)
* Med Cup (good to put iodine in and then tip on cord)

It is best to let nature take it's course and some mother's prefer to be alone. If she knows you are watching this can hamper things. If you happen to catch her having them pull up a chair and just watch. Nature pretty much takes care of everything. You are there just in case something out of the ordinary happens. The babies hit the ground running.

More on care of her and newborns>
Pigs gestation period is 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days from the day she was bred. And of course they usually have them at 3 in the morning. At least ours did. Have fun piglets are great!

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