Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Mantid just caught and killed a mouse in my house?

My pet praying mantis just caught a unwanted house guess. a mouse. what should i reward him?? crickets?
How in the hell did your mantis catch a mouse?
Your mantis caught a mouse? Either that was one small mouse, or one HUGE mantis. Lock your bedroom door at night - it might go after you next!
no a ant or something but crickets are ok.
look something else got the mouse and the mantis is just taking the fall for the reward (i had a lizard do that once)
youre so full of mouse would chew a mantid's head off.
If it was a pretty small mouse it's possible that your mantis ate it's head. But if so, I don't think the mantis needs a reward - surely having a juicy mouse's head to eat was it's own reward??!

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