Monday, May 24, 2010

My pet monkey keeps misbehaving no matter how much I spank it. Is there another alternative?

Please help!
You could get arrested for spanking your monkey in public, so remember to do that in the privacy of your own home..
I agree that if he saw you choking your chicken, he might behave better.
well u should of dated him before getting married
Hello. Why are you spanking instead of training. Learn to distract them from the bad behavior. Reward them with good behavior. Remember, their brain is very intelligent. Treat your monkey as you would a small child learning manners.

Best wishes.
Didn't your mom tell you you'd go cross-eyed from doing that?
You should never ever hit a monkey. Monkey's tend to get much more aggressive as they age, epecially if it is a Male. The more you hit it the more aggressive it will get. If you have a cage such as a large dog crate try crating it when it misbehaves. What is it doing that you consider it misbehaving?
Twist it to the left. That always works.
You could go and choke your chicken instead. Slapping your salami is also a good choice. After seeing that, the monkey mave choose to behave.
CHOKE IT unconscious into submission
Anytime you spank your monkey OR choke your chicken.God kills a kitten.
I don't believe in spanking animals at all. You shouldn't be spanking your pet, but rather reward it for good behaviour, and show it other options, beside misbehaving.
Best of luck-

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