Friday, May 8, 2009

My fave animal is the baby harp seal. What do you think?

Yes it sounds kinda wierd, if you wanna see a pic,search it .! I'm sure you'll fall in love w/ it.

any1 out there a seal-lover?
I love animals, and baby harp seals are just the cutest. When I was a kid and I was visiting with family in Newfoundland, one of my uncles was out fishing. When he came in for the day, he had a baby seal with him in his boat that had gotten separated from his mother and had fallen into the water near where my uncle and other fishermen were pulling in their traps. It had gotten caught in a net and he had brought it to shore to untangle it. He had me put on his slicker and a big pair of gloves so that I could hold it while he rowed back out to the ice floes and put it back with the other seals. I can still remember that little one snuggling into my arms and looking up at me with those big shiny puppy dog eyes; and I wanted to take it home so bad. I knew I couldn't, but it was really hard to resist. They are incredibly sweet and smart. My uncle was smart to have me put the slicker and gloves, so that the mother seal wouldn't reject it, he rowed out near the ice pack and placed the baby back on the ice and the mom practically slid over the ice in one movement with her head bobbing up and down and making these little honking type noises. This was over thirty years ago, and I can still remember it like it was yesterday. It isn't weird at all for you to love them. I have four adorable cats and one adorable Pom as part of my family, but if there was a way I could have a pet seal, I would. My kids and grandkids would love it too! Have a good night.
Awesome choice! I worked with seals years ago, and their personalities are just like puppies
aww this is so cute!
Cute but I prefer a constrictor snake. LOL dinner time!
HARP seals are beautiful. Sadly they are still poached in the arctic by russian trappers and their furs are sold on the black market. what is truely sad is the manner in which they are killed and the impact that it has had on the species as a whole. Last i looked it was on the top 10 of worlds most endangered sea mammals.and in the top 50 for animals in general.

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