Friday, May 8, 2009

my dog is acting alot like a cat, he is OBCESSED with the hamsters, why?

I have 2 hamsters, Stalin and Gorby, only problem is that the dog is really interested in them, like when ever hes in my room, he can not stand to be out of sight of the cage, he needs to know whare the cage is at all times, once it is opened, he will pop his head inside, and once he sees a hamster, he shoots back and no longer wants to be near tha hamsters, he doesnt do the same for the rats, as a matter of a fact, i had him on my futon while i was standing holding stalin i think, and the dog was shivering, he didnt like the fact that the hamster wasnt in the cage, i cant explain his reaction, i mean the hamsters arent evil, but bobby, the dog's name, is obcessed with the hamsters, the rats, he could care less, but its the hamsters, like when he falls asleep in my room, the cage is covered during the day sometimes, and he hears the pop from the metal cage door opening, he litterally jumps up and begins glaring, i dont see why he can be so obcessed with them.
Lots of dogs are like that. My dog prefered mice to hampsters though! LOL! He probably thinks that they are fun things to play with, and then once he sees them, he gets bored. Dogs like to investigate things, and find new things to do each day. He may be like this for quite awhile, but eventually, he will get bored, trust me. I hope this helped!
Some breeds of dogs are natural hunters of small furry things, so maybe it's in his blood.
Is he a terrier? You dont say but terriers have a strong prey drive. They were first bred to hunt rats and mice.
Yeah, alot of doga ARE like that. Since you dont have cats he probably hasn't had interaction with that many of them so instead he looks a hamsters like he would cats. My dog is like that as well, she has to see the cat at all times and when she can't she's on edge. Animals have their own language but it's nothing to worry about.

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