Sunday, August 2, 2009

My horse has developed a granuloma type lump on the wall of one eye what is it? my vet is unsure..?

It is on the wall of one eye and started about 3 months ago as a couple of small whte ulcer like blobs and since then has slightly more than doubled in size. It has a raised surface rather like the white of a cauliflower. Some parts seem to be going a bit pink and the wall of the eye looks sore. he does get a discharge from the eye but apart from that he doesn't seem bothered. We have wormed him and applied some antibiotic drops but nothing changed. My vet thinks it is possible it could be related to a sarcoid but is unsure . I'm very worried about it and don't know what to do. I'm afraid he will go blind or lose his eye.
I was going to suggest sarcoids before reading your question in full.

My welsh cob/tb cross gelding had a large lump of sarcoids on his sheath and inner thigh. They never caused him any trouble but I was always careful about touching them with my bare hands as humans can catch them too. They are warts really. However, by an eye is a bit different. I have no experience of this, but was wondering whether - under anaesthetic - they could be frozen off like human warts. However, one has to be so careful around the eyes. If your own vet does not know, get a second opinion. If you are in the UK, perhaps you could contact the veterinary college at Potters Bar.
Get a second opinion from a different vet.
Having never seen anything like that in a horse Im afraid I have no clue - but I agree with Fran - get a second vets opinion - and if he doesnt know bring in a third.
In the event he does go blind or lose the eye - its not a big deal - one of the best jumping ponies I ever owned only had one eye - it never bothered her in the slightest!
I hope he gets better soon
not seeing it i cant tell you for sure, could be Equine Recurrent Uveitis? or maybe Neoplasia of the Eye.i would get a differnt vet to have a look, dont worrie it dosent sound like sarcoids but you never know, they dont normaly get it on there eye also if it was that your vet would defently know there not hard to mistake.

have a look at this site i found this site wile doing equine first aid.
You need to check to see if it is summer sore.

Summer sore is where flies lay their eggs in the eye under the skin tissue in the eye.

Able to treat it, the vet will surgically remove the eggs by placing the horse on sedation. Then treat with medications.

My gelding had summer sore twice since he won't keep his fly mask on.

Your vet should be running test and having a second opinion from another vet as well.
I'm a vet. It is impossible to make a diagnosis unless you see such a lesion. I'm not sure from your description if this lesion is on the eyeball or the eyelid or what size it is. Sarcoid was the first thing that came to my mind but it could be lots of other things.

In the case of unusual lesions like this one I would want further tests to be done - smears, biopsies etc.

If your vet cant make a diagnosis and you are still concerned ask for a referral. If it is on the eyeball ask your vet for a referral to a veterinary opthalmologist. If it is on the skin/eyelid you need a veterinary dermatologist. There are plenty of specialists all over the UK - in the vet schools, private practice etc.

If you have any trouble finding one contact the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons or check out the website

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