Sunday, August 2, 2009

my hermit crab was a victim of a shell fight?

my crab lost his shell to another crab (a smaller one) also lost a leg and part of another. His eyes were pretty badly damaged along with his feelers. pretty much his whole face area. he also has pinch marks on his soft back area, he will not go to any shells. He is still alive, and eating. Is he in pain? How can I help?
OK as far as the people who say to take him to a vet, that is the most retarded thing I have ever heard, no vet will touch a hermit crab!!

This crab has been attacked by an aggressive crab during a shell fight. it is caused by stress and improper foods given to the crabs, not enough extra shells available and not enough room.

You need to place the injured crab into an isolation tank with proper humidity and temperature, both fresh and natural marine salt de-chlorinated waters and good foods high in protein and calcium. Also give him many extra shells of the proper size and type in there as well so he can find one.

You must always provide at least 4 extra shells per crab at all times in the tank. THey must be of the proper tyoe size and shape paying attention especially to the opening size and shape. Obviously there were not enough of the correct extra shells in the tank.

ALSO, you must provide protein to hermit crabs via meats and fish. If providing only a commercial diet then aggressions will continue, that is why an all natural diet is best.. furits, veggies, meats, fish and whole grains. Offering a variety everyday and never offering the same food 2 times in a row.

Also, the tank humdity and temp must be within proper ranges. 76-82 degrees F and 75%-85% relative humdity. It must be constant and sustained and monitored 24/7

You also must provide both fresh and natural marine salt dechlorinated water sourses in large pools.

Once you get the injured crab into ISO do not touch or handle him.. make sure there are many of the proper shells in that ISO with him.

If you need more help, or need rehab assistance please contact us at
This made me laugh. Heal him.
ooh, ouch.
that means its suffering and its gonna die.
never let something die a suffering death..
have someone kill it.

i'm sorry
Wow, Ray. This is such a hard question. I don't know anything about these little creatures, but I am sure it bothers you to see one of them injured. Thank you for caring for them. I would guess you need a quick call to a vet to get a real answer, or, the pet store. Good luck. And once again, thanks for being there for our little friends.
Aw, poor lil' guy! I've had hermit crabs but they've never done that. That sounds real bad. Maybe isolate him from the others until he heals or take him to your vet or something. I hope he get's better soon! :)
i would take him into a reptile vet. i don't know too much about hermit crab fights, it never happened to mine. he sounds like pretty bad shape tho. im so sorry for the little fellow
provide him with a substitue shell, he may eventually go into it. I would separate him from any other hermits until he gets better and has a shell again. Feed him extra tasty treats to get him healed faster.
Put him in an isolation tank immediatly. Give him lots of water, calcium sand, fresh foods, and clean size appropriate shells (give him several to choose from).

Keep him in iso until he is healthy again, probably several weeks at least. He may not survive the fight, though.
Isolate him and pamper him tons. IT doesn't sound to good, and especially when they are out of their shells.
At least he is eating, my hermit crabs all died when they came out of there shells.

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